Chapter 6

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By the time Regina returned home it was past midnight; the only sound that could be heard were the light chirps of crickets hiding in the bushes. Quietly she entered the house not wanting to disturb Emma if she was sleeping, but as usual Emma was still at the dining room table, files scattered across the dark mahogany of the table, computer screen alight. With her hand wrapped around a large coffee mug, Emma sorted through the mess.

"Hey love, how's it going" Regina asked kissing the top of Emma's head before walking towards the still warm coffee pot on the counter.

"Honestly? Extremely slowly right now. Our department had a huge lead for the case but it went south pretty quickly... as usual" Emma replied. Regina watched as her long, thin fingers tapped away at the keyboard.

"Don't stress it Emma, something will come up eventually, you know it will" Regina offered a smile of hope at her girlfriend. Setting her mug down on the table, Regina stood behind Emma's chair, gently massaging her shoulders. Slowly, Emma sank back into the chair, enjoying the feeling of stress escaping her.

"Don't be too late Em, ok?" Regina said, softly kissing her cheek before leaving the room and heading upstairs.

"Don't be too late Em, ok?" Regina said, softly kissing her cheek before leaving the room and heading upstairs

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Turning on the shower, Regina allowed her black pencil skirt to fall to the floor. Draping her blouse over the edge of the sink, she stepped into the cool water of the shower, allowing it to wash over her body. Running her hands through her hair, her mind wandered back to the events of the day.

The mess of her office, Who had broken in? What had they been searching for?

These questions kept running around inside her head, one circle after another. Until suddenly, all at once, she felt the warm loving caress of her beloved wrapped around her. She turned to face Emma, Her eyes lighting up at Emma's touch.

A small moan escaped Regina's lips as Emma's warm lips pressed against her neck, sending the heat of a thousand fireworks through Regina's body. The cool water a welcome feeling As Emma's lips worked their way down Regina's body, relaxing her mind and feeling herself Completely forgetting the crazy events of the day.

 The cool water a welcome feeling As Emma's lips worked their way down Regina's body, relaxing her mind and feeling herself Completely forgetting the crazy events of the day

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Later that evening, as Regina slept soundly next to her, Emma lay awake staring at the ceiling. She had gotten herself through many tough cases before, but this one? This one was especially hard. What made it worse, was she couldn't even talk to Regina about it, not at all. Not without all the facts anyway. The main problem was the person of interest to the case... there was just something about this woman that didn't sit right with her.

This woman, this person of interest, was a Ms. Ronni Mills. something about her made Emma skin twitch. What was is about her name that made Emma feel so uncomfortable? There must be millions of people out there with the last name Mills, but something just didn't feel right. The case was about a missing family member that this Ronnie was looking for.... a twin sister.

 Emma turned her head towards Regina

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Emma turned her head towards Regina. She was still fast asleep. Though she tried, Emma knew it was no good. There was no way she was going to sleep tonight, not with all these questions running around in her head. Taking one last Look at the clock on the bedside table, it read 3am. Emma sighed and got out of bed.

Quietly Emma wandered out of the bedroom and downstairs.

'Might as well keep working' Emma thought to herself turning the laptop back on.

As the morning sun begin to shine through the curtains in the bedroom, Regina woke with a smile on her face, Her plans for the day already beginning to form in her mind. Anxious to wake Emma with a kiss, Regina rolled over. However, finding Emma's side of the bed empty, her face fell and she sighed to herself.

As Regina walked down the staircase she half expected to see Emma at the tabled scribbling and tapping away at the keyboard. She'd give her a piece of her mind this time. Emma needed rest. Every time she turned around Emma was gruelling over this case...

When Regina walked into the kitchen she knitted her brow in confusion, Emma wasn't there.

"Emma?"Regina made her way to the den, and there she found her, asleep on the couch. Relieved, Regina smiled and grabbed the blanket from the chair. Gently, she placed it over Emma.

Regina wandered back through to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. As she did so, something on the table amongst the mess caught her eye. The case file that Emma had been working on was laying open across the keyboard of Emma's laptop. Though she knew it wasn't any of her business, the photo clipped to the file would not allow her to look away.

Picking up the file, Regina looked at the picture and froze.


The sister she had not seen since birth. Ronni.....

As Regina stood there looking at the file she heard shuffling in the next room, Emma was waking up

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As Regina stood there looking at the file she heard shuffling in the next room, Emma was waking up.

Quickly Regina shut the file and hurried over towards the coffee pot as Emma walked into the kitchen.

"Morning" Regina smiled pouring two cups of coffee.

Emma returned the smile as she took a cup, and began gathering up the files from the the table. Emma could tell from the look on Regina's face that something was wrong but she knew it was not a good idea to press the situation. She knew Regina never liked to be questioned. If she wanted to discuss something, she would on her own accord.

With another smile in the direction of her girlfriend Emma put the file in her bag and headed upstairs to shower and get ready for a long, and frustrating day of work with her father .

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