Chapter 7

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The autumn wind blew briskly at the crisp, brown leaves outside the window of Regina's office. She could hear the crinkling sound they made as the leaves rolled along the ground. Sitting back in her chair now, Regina grew frustrated with herself. With all the tasks and work to be done as Mayor of Storybrooke, she just couldn't tear her mind away from the file she saw mixed amongst Emma's workload this morning.

Numerous thoughts and emotions ran rampant through her mind

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Numerous thoughts and emotions ran rampant through her mind.  Regina found herself both confused and unsure of how exactly to feel about all of this. Was she to feel happy her sister was trying to find her? It had been so many years since they'd seen or heard from one another...  Was she to feel angry it had taken so long for Roni to reach out?? It's not like she couldn't have done the same... But, To be honest, it didn't really matter how she was supposed to feel about it, because the question that kept bubbling up in her mind was simple; why?? Why after all this time did Roni suddenly care to find her? What's more, why was Emma involved??

Regina threw down her pen in frustration. She watched as it bounced off a stack of paperwork on her desk and roll to the floor. She knew it was no use. Trying to ignore it would not work. Regina had to get to the bottom of this. She had to know what Roni wanted.


The sound of Regina's phone made her jump. It had been so quiet in the office as she sat there thinking. Quickly pulling her phone out of her handbag she opened the text message.

"hey gorgeous you ran out on me this morning. Meet me for lunch at Granny's in 20 minutes? Love you xx" Emma's text read.

Regina smiled. It was the first time all day she had properly smiled. Quickly she replied:

"sure thing I'll see you soon xx" Regina stood grabbing her coat and her phone and headed for the office door locking it behind her.

Still a bit chilly outside, Regina welcomed the warm rays of sun on her face as she walked in the direction of the diner, thoughts from earlier still running through her mind.

As she walked, Regina had the slight feeling of unease in the pit of her stomach. She felt as though Someone was watching her... like she was being tailed. When she looked around however, no one was there. The streets were empty. Except for the odd car rolling through the town, there was no one else around.

 Except for the odd car rolling through the town, there was no one else around

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Quietly, Emma sat in the diner waiting for Regina to turn up. Taking a quick glance at her watch, she sighed. "She'll be here any minute." Emma thought to herself.

Fiddling with a nearby salt shaker, Emma had already ordered food and coffees for them. Regina never strayed from her usual lunch selection, so ordering for her was a simple task.

As she Looked around the diner, Emma smiled at the many happy memories she had in this place. All of her friends and family shared precious moments together here.

Drawing her attention away from her daydreams, the jingle of the  little bell above the door made Emma jump. Her attention was quickly drawn to Regina walking through the door. Regina stood there, looking as gorgeous as ever. Emma felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. The thought of having to leave Regina alone in this town while she went to Boston was killing her. She loved Regina so much and although she knew that Regina could take care of herself, she also knew what her family could be like. They would be on her like vultures; trying anything and everything to get Regina to leave Emma.

"hey beautiful" Emma smiled as Regina took a seat in the booth opposite her, sitting elegantly. Her smile was that of an angel.

"Hey" Regina replied, forcing a smile. Sweat began to draw at her brow, She could see the look on Emma's face.

No matter how hard Emma was trying to hide it, Regina could see it. Slowly she reached for Emma's hand, Brushing her thumb over Emma's knuckles.

"Em what's wrong?" Regina asked. Her silky voice running through Emma's body like a hot knife.

"I... um...." Emma paused looking deep into Regina's eyes.

"I have to go out of town again for a couple days. It's for the case I'm working on. I have to go and meet someone in Boston who may hold some valuable information pertaining to this project."

Emma looked out of the window and then back to Regina. She didn't know what else to say. Regina looked at Emma and smiled.

"That's fine Em,  don't worry about it. I'll be okay. I know what your worrying about, but remember; I'm a big girl I can cope with your parents. They haven't been near me in a week so I'm sure things will be okay. How long are you going to be away for?"

Regina's stomach growled. She could smell the aroma of a home cooked meal as Granny brought their food over. As usual, The look on Granny's face was less than civil, But said nothing. After she placed the plates onto the table, She turned her back and whispered something as she walked away. Emma could see Regina beginning to tense up.

 Emma could see Regina beginning to tense up

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"Gina, its okay don't let it get to you. No one matters but us. They will understand it eventually. But, if it's too much, I can stay if you want me to"

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, not one word passed between them. The only sound was the humming of customers as they came in and out of the diner and the few that sat in the booths.

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