Draco's New Dormate

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No One's POV: Harry smirked as the sorting at announced him being in Slytherin. Everyone gasped and whispers could be heard all around the cafeteria. The professor smiled and handed Harry his new, green tie. Harry walked over to the Slytherin table, giving Blaise a fist bump as he walked by, and sat down next to Draco. "Hey Malfoy." Harry said smirking and lightly blushing. "H-hey Pottah. I wonder why the hat changed his mind." Draco thought out loud. "He didn't. I was supposed to be put in Slytherin but I asked to be in Gryffindor but I changed my mind after what happened between Ron and I." Harry said. Draco, along with a lot of the Slytherin table who overheard the conversation, sat there with their mouths dangling in shock. "W-Wait, so that means, you could've been in SLYTHERIN THIS ENTIRE TIME?!?!?!?!" Draco said, yelling the last part and the whole cafeteria. All of the other students sat and stared at them. "Pretty much, yea." Harry said and everyone turned away and started whispering again. Harry sighed and started eating. 20 mins into dinner, Harry got up and left. Draco noticed this and got up and followed him.

Draco's POV: I saw Harry get up and leave. Confused, I got up and followed him out of the Cafeteria. "Hey Po-Harry, you ok?" I said as I caught up with him in the hallway. "Yea I'm alright Ma-Draco. Just kinda wanted to get away from the rumors about me being in Slytherin. They are starting to annoy the shit out of me." He said as we continued walking around the corridor. I just nodded and continued walking with him. We talked for a bit until lunch was over and we headed to the dorms. When we got there Snape called us over. "Hey boys I just wanted to let you know that all of the other boy's dorms are taken so, Draco if you don't mind, Harry is gonna have to share a dorm wth you. Are you guys alright with that?" I looked at Harry who looked like he was deep in thought and then turned back to Snape. "Yea, I don't mind. I wouldn't mind having a roomate anyways. It was my dad's idea for me to be alone in the dorms anyways." I said. I saw, out of the corner of my eye, that Harry was shocked. "Are you sure Draco?" Snape asked as Harry stood there still shocked. "Yep. C'mon Harry your gonna attract flies if you keep your mouth open like that." I said as I grabbed Harry's hand and jogged to our new dorm room. When we got there I started to help Harry unpack. We talked for a bit before getting ready for bed. I looked over at Harry and saw him in dark green sweatpants and no shirt on. HOLY SHIT HE'S RIPPED-WAIT WHAT?!?!?! I thought as I turned back around. If I'm being completely honest, I've liked Harry for a while now. I don't know when it started but I noticed it in 4th year. I blushed a ton as we both crawled into the bed. Since my dad payed a shit ton of money for me to have my own room without roomates, there's only one bed. I don't mind though. Harry soon fell asleep on the opposite side of the bed. I pouted but tried to fall asleep too and after about an hour. "Good night Harry" I mumbled as I fell asleep. I thought I heard him mumble something back but I was to asleep to tell.

A/N: OMG YOU GUYS I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO POST THE NEW CHAPTER. I totally forgot about this if I'm being 100% honest. I finished writing the notes for this story so all I need is the motivation to type and finish it. Anyways here's the next part of this. Love you guys/girls/nonbinary/everyone and I hope you have an amazing day. 

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