Draco's "Date"

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Draco's POV: I woke up the next morning and Harry was already gone. I was a little dissapointed to not wake up next to him but I tried not to show it. I saw his phone sitting on the night stand and I grabbed to text Pansy. 

Harry (Draco): Hey its Draco. Can you come to my dorm so we can talk??

Pansy: Yea sure omw.

Harry (Draco): Thanks see you in a min.

Pansy: Yep :)

After I set the phone down, she knocked on my door before immediately walking into my dorm room, closing the door behind her. She sat down criss cross on my bed, "So what's up?" She asked. I blushed and looked down, fididling with my fingers before speaking, "Um so you know how I've had a crush on Harry since like forever?" She just nodded signaling to continue. "Well um my crush has gotten a lot bigger since he became a Slytherin. Idk what to do though Pans so I need advice. What do I do Pans?" I asked as I looked directly into her eyes. She sat there and thought for a moment, staring at the ceiling, when she got an idea and her entire face lit up. "OMG DRACO, Ask him to the dance tomorrow. Its why we don't have classes today, there's a dance tomorrow and they want to give us time to get ready. You should ask him tonight before you fall asleep." I stared at her in surprise before blinking a couple times, coming back to my senses. "ARE YOU INSANE?!?! I can't handle doing something like that! Besides I'm a bottom I want him to ask me." I said whispering that last part loud enough to where only she heard it, neither of us noticing that Harry had walked into the room. "Can't handle what?" He said startling both of us and walking over to the bed. "Uh-uh n-nothing Harry. I gotta go now bye Draco see you later." Pansy said as she rushed out of the room, slaming the door closed behind her. I flinched as the door closed before turning back to Harry who was crawling under the covers, "S-so Harry, how was your day?" I said nervous about if he had heard Pansy and I's discussion earlier. "It was good, boring but good. What about you Draco how was your day? You look like you just woke up." He said scrolling through something on his phone. I layed down next to him, "Yea cause I did. I was tired I guess. You alright tho Harry, you look stressed?" I asked as I turned to face him. He sighed and sat there for a few mins staring at the ceiling before turning his whole body to face me, resting his head in his hand which was propped up with his elbow. He smiled for a bit then his expression turned to serious, "Draco. Do you wanna go with me to the dance tomorrow night? Like do you wanna be my date?" He asked seemingly kind of serious. I was absolutely shocked. I sat there for like 5 mins before I was broke out my chance by Harry, "Hey, hey Draco. You there??" He asked waving a hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh yea I'm here sorry zoned out. Um yea sure I'll be your date to the dance" I said awkwardly. "Wait REALLY?!!?! You actually said yes?" He said surprised. "Yea? Why wouldn't I?" I asked confused. "N-nothing I'm just surprised is all." He replied quietly. "Ok, well good night see you tomorrow." I said fliping over facing the wall to go to sleep. I felt something wrap around me and turned my head to see Harry right behind me. I snapped my head foward, blushing like crazy and closed my eyes. Soon I fell asleep with Harry hugging me in my sleep. 

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