Potion's Detention

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Draco's POV: I woke up the next morning and felt something underneath me. I open my eyes and see Harry laying there, completely awake and on his phone. I immediately jump off him freaking out and blushing like crazy. "I am so sorry Harry." I said turning around to hide my face. He just laughed then got up and started to get ready. As soon I got over my gay panic, I also started to get ready. Soon we both went downstairs and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. We got to the table and I grabbed a green apple and sat down beside Pansy. After Harry filled up his plate, he sat down right next to me. I looked at him for a second then continued to eat my apple and talk with Pansy. After breakfast we got up and headed to class. This was class with those Ravenclaw nerds, Herbology. I don't really like this class cause it's kind of boring. All we talk about are different plants and it's not exactly fun. Its better since we can sit wherever and with our friends but still. Me and Pansy were whispering the entire time changing topics like she changes hair color, aka A LOT. Today she has dark green hair which I actually like on her. "So you like Harry huh?" She whispered to me. I looked at her shocked for a second which caused her to giggle a bit. "Well looks like I got my answer." She said in between giggles. I just rolled my eyes and huffed, not wanting to respond since Harry was right next to me. After a few minutes, I nodded my head, blushing, and looked down at my book to look like I was doing the work.

After lunch we had potions, which I was actually excited for. Except for the fact that we had it with Ron and a few of his Gryffindork friends. But it was a mixed class, so there was all of the other houses too. I saw Hermione at a seat in the back of the classroom and then Pansy went over to her and sat down next to her. I smiled a bit and sat down at the table next to them. Harry sat down next to me and pulled out a book. I ignored it cause Snape walked into the room. "Alright so today we are going to be making an Anti-Paralysis potion. Now take out your books and start. If you have any questions, ask someone else." Snape said as he walked up the isle and sat down at his desk. He looked extreamly frustrated and I gave him a curious and worried look. He nodded his head then looked back down at his desk and started to do paperwork. I looked back over at the table as Harry pulled out a book. I looked at his book and saw that on the front it said "By: The Half Blood Prince." I looked at him confused until he opened it to the page the potion was on and saw a bunch of writing on the pages. Finally I understood how he had gotten so good at potions a couple years ago. "Isn't using that book cheating?" I asked looking at him. "Nah the professor said I could use it as long as I understand everything on it and can remember it for the test. Plus it was his when he went here so he's totally fine with it. I mean he left it for a reason right?" He said shrugging it off. I looked at Snape again and he looked up at me, obviously noticing we were talking about the book, and nodded his head. I turned back to the potion and we started working on it together. Once everyone got to the part where we had to wait for lik 20 mins, Snape called us up to the front of the class so he could explain the potion. I was skeptical about leaving our potion since Ron was right in front of us but Harry assured me that it was fine. After Snape explained everything, we went back to our seats. Harry added the next thing into the potion and soon the couldron started shaking. "GET DOWN IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE" I yelled and ducked under the desk. Everyone else ducked down as soon as the potion exploded. Once the smoke cleared we all stood up and everyone looked at Harry and I. I looked at Harry and he looked confused. Snape walked over to us, "Draco and Harry can I see you both out in the hallway please?" He asked then walked over to the door. We walked out of the classroom and closed the door then turned to Snape. "Listen I know you guys didn't do that someone else probably added something to your potion but without evidence, unfortunately, I have to send you both to detention. I hope you understand. If there's anyone you can think of that would do that please let me know immediately and I will investigate it. Can either of you guys think of anyone?" he asked looking at us. Harry shook his head while I sat there thinking. I snapped my fingers as a name popped into my head, "SHIT! Fucking homophobe. Ron's had it out for us since Harry came out because he's homophobic as fuck." I said turning to Snape. He looked shocked for a second then nodded his head. We all headed into the class and finished our potion as Snape went back to his desk.

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