New Assortment

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Draco's POV: I woke up as the train pulled into hogwarts. I looked down and saw that Harry was awake, still leaning on my shoulder, and talking to Pansy and Blaise. I started to rise my head and Harry looked at me. "S-sorry I fell asleep on your shoulder." He studdered. Cute. I thought as I smiled at him. "It's fine Harry honestly it's not a big deal." I said as I stood up to grab my stuff since the train was stopped. "H-HARRY?!?!? You called me Harry??" He said surpised. (A/N MANZ IS SHOOKETH. HEHEHE. Ok I'm done now back to the story.) "Yea? What's the problem? The war is over. I'm not being forced to be a death eater by my father since he's in Azkaban and my mom is on house arrest and didn't talk to me all summer since she feels bad. Why can't we be friends?" I said as I pulled my stuff down from the overhead compartment. He stood there looking at me for a second before replying. "Uh yea sure I'm cool with that. Thanks Mal-Draco." He said as he opened the door and started to walk out. "See you guys later in the cafeteria." He said before closing the door and heading to his cart. I blushed a little bit and continued to grab my stuff down before looking over at Pansy and Blaise. They were both standing there with their mouths hanging open. "What?" I asked. "N-nothing." They both said at the same time and grabbed their stuff. I rolled my eyes while I waited for them. When they finally finished grabbing their stuff down, we left the train and headed into the school. I looked at the school amazed. It had a huge upgrade since the war had destroyed it. It was much bigger and there were seperated by color of houses. The far left was red, gryffindor, right next to it was blue, ravenclaw, the middle was the brick-colored brown, mid-right was yellow, hufflepuff, and on the far right it was green, slytherin. I smiled when I saw the slytherin part of the building. Blaise and Pansy were talking about random things when suddenly Professor McGonagall apparated right before us. "HOLY- Hi Professor, can we help you?" I said as I jumped. "Hello Draco. I just wanted to let you guys know that we are resorting everyone since the war. So head to the cafeteria with all your stuff. Though I'm pretty sure that you all will be in the same house." She said then apparated again. I looked at Pansy and Blaise and they looked back. We shrugged and then headed into the school to head to the cafeteria. When we got there I immediately spotted Harry and we walked over to him. He was talking to Luna Lovegood about the whole Ginny thing when we walked over. "Hey Harry. Hey Luna how's it going?" I asked as we apporached them. "Hey Draco." Harry said looking over at me and smiling then turning back to Luna. Luna stood there kind of shocked. "Um. Well did not expect that. Anyways it's going good my dad has gotten a lot better." I smiled at her, "Well that's good tell him I said hi next time you talk to him. Anyways, do you guys think your going to be in the same houses since we are rehousing?" I asked curious about what Harry's answer is going to be. "I definitly think I'll still be in Ravenclaw. I have to go I can see Hermione waving me over. Bye guys see you later." Luna said as she waved and ran off. Me and Harry were alone to talk since Pansy and Blaise had left I don't know when I wasn't really paying attention. "Well what about you Harry?" I asked turning to him. "Um well I'm not sure I want to be in Gryffindor anymore. They are almost all Homophobic. I kind of want to switch houses." He said. I stood there shocked. I could not belive that he just said that. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the boy who killed voldemort, DOESN'T WANT TO BE A GRYFFINDOR?!?!?!?! "WAIT Really??" I asked still shocked. "Yea plus I don't think I was ever ment to be in gryffindor anyways." He said shyly before looking down. I was confused but just nodded my head. We went and sat down at a table with Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, Ron, and Luna. As we sat down, Ron glared at Harry so quickly, I almost didn't see it. We sat down and started talking with Pansy and Blaise. Soon Professor McGonagall apparated to the room and start announcing the new Professor that was in charge. I wasn't paying attention till she said Dumbldore. I was confused cause I though Dumbledor was dead? I was literally there when he died. Then I heard that it was the previous Dumbledor's brother. Thats when I understood how. He the apparated next to McGonagall and we all applauded her and then let the new Dumbledore speak. "Welcome to our first years and welcome back everyone else to Hogwarts. Now I'm sure you've all heard about the war. So because of the predicament, we are doing a rehousing for everyone. Including you 8th years. Yes I know it's your last year but you still have to. I'm sure you all will most likely stay in the same house but it's just a safety procausion. We are going to start with the 8th years, since it's their last year, then we will work our way down to the first years.

After everyone else in our year, except for Harry, Hermione and I, had gotten resorted I started to worry. I got called up. As soon as the hat was put on my head, it yelled slytherin. Of course I'm still in the same house. I didn't expect to change houses. Hermione got called up. People started cheering since she was part of the "Golden Trio" and technically helped defeat voldemort. I joined in the cheering as she sat down and the hat was placed on her head. Ron looked at me weird but I didn't notice. After a few seconds the hat yelled out, "RAVENCLAW." Hermione looked super relieved about this. She gave Dumbledor her gryffindor tie, and he handed her a ravenclaw one. She wrapped it around her neck and started to tie it as she made her way back to the table. She and Luna high-fived as she sat down. Ron looked super pissed about it. I started to smile up until I heard Harry's name called. I started to frown but I still clapped with everyone else.

Harry's POV: As I heard my name called I nervously got up and walked up there. The hat was placed on my head and I could hear the hat start mumbling. Soon it started whispering to me. "Ahh Harry Potter. How are you doing?" it asked. "I'm doing good actually, surprisingly." I responded back in a whisper. "Well that's good. Anyways, I'm assuming that you want to be put in gryffindor with your friends again?" It asked. "Actually I was thinking about switching houses. All of gryffindor kind of hates me, excluding a few people of course. What house was it that you said I'd be best in? Whatever it is put me in that I don't want to be gryffindor anymore." I responded leaning back in the chair and letting one leg rest on the other while putting my arms behind my head and letting them rest there and smirked. "Alrighty then. SLYTHERIN."

A/N: Okie Dokie here's part 2 of the story. Ended on a cliffhanger. Sorry not sorry. I love you guys, girls, non-binary, gays, love you all and I hope you have an amazing day, night where ever you are. I will start the next part as soon as I can.

Harco: If Harry was in SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now