Q&A Answers

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Here's the answers for the Q&A earlier in this book.

What made you want to write about the Fast & Furious and Twilight series?

That's a good question actually. I found fanfiction when I was 12 and to me it was like a whole new world had just opened up.

Twilight was the first film series that really captivated me as a kid and I really wanted to contribute to that world. It took another year, however, before the idea of The Newborn Mate was created while I read The short second life of Bree Tanner.

I loved what little we got to see of Bree in the third movie, and while reading the book I could see in front of me how Will came into being right beside her.

I didn't get into Fast and Furious the same way until 2 years later and I honestly don't remember how I came up with Ray O'Connor but I'm happy she exists.

When did Dom and Ray get married?

Ooh, boy.... I think it's somewhere in Fast7....

Are you going to make another Fast & Furious book with Dom?

When I'm done with the rest of my books I might do another. But first I have to come up with an idea for one.

If you readers have ideas you'd like to see me bring to life then send me a message.

What is your favourite Fast & Furious movie?

When the question was asked the answer was a mixture of Fast1 and Fast2

Now it's Fast9

Do you prefer the original Lost Boys or the dodgy remake?

I didn't even know there was a remake, but after looking at it I can safely say I prefer the original.

If you could be in any movie, which would it be?

Ooh boy, that's a hard one.

I have three responses that comes to me immidietly.

First one: Disney's Atlantis

My favorite childhood movie. I have watched it so many times and I'd love to be in it.

Second: Fast and Furious

The whole franchise. I just want to live in it, and be a bad ass. (I'd love to date Dom too...)

Third: Supernatural

I know it's a tv show. I know. But I still want to live in it.

But I don't think I'd live very long XD

Thank you for your questions. I'm sorry it took such a long time to answer them.

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