Jealousy- Newt

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  Today was greenie day and unfortunately, I was the one saddled with showing the greenie around. Minho always laughed while I showed them around but of course I always recoiled with a gracious insult or a rude hand gesture.
  The box had come up late today and most people were already doing their jobs, like my boyfriend of 1 year, Newt. As I was waiting for the greenie to come out of the box, I was chatting with Minho and Thomas. The greenie finally came out and then the usual things happened, like the greenie freaking out, asking a bunch of questions and almost threatening us with death.
  He eventually calmed down and I said "Alright greenie let's start the process. My name is y/n and these 2 shanks are Thomas and Minho. I'll be your tour guide for the day since you don't know what you're doing so let's get on with it". The greenie nodded and I started the tour. I showed him the homestead first, then the gardens and then everything else.
  By the time we were finished with the tour the walls had already closed and it was time for the bonfire. We started the bonfire and I was sitting with the greenie by a log. I asked him "So what's your name greenie?". He shrugged "I can't really remember but I think it's Daniel". I giggled and got up. "Stay here and I'll be right back but if you want you can go talk to those two over there". I pointed to Minho and Thomas.
  I walked away, searching for my blondie im a crowd. I'm the end I found him in a corner, sulking. I walked up to him and his frown only grew. "Is everything alright love?" I asked with sincere worry in my voice. "I'm fine" he said looking away from me. I put my hand on his cheek and forced him to look at me. His face softened. "I'm just not in the mood" he said. "Alright then I'm not in the mood either" I said while shrugging my shoulders. "Of course you're in the mood! You're over the slumming it with the greenie!" he says, his voice rising with every word. "Newt.. I don't want him though.. I want you!" I said, desperate to show him that I loved him and not the greenie. He was always scared that he'd lose me but I always reassured him, always. I told him "I love you and I would never leave you" and he'd believe me. I put both my hands on his cheeks and pulled him closer to me. "Newt, I love you more than anything.. you're all I have and I love you, a lot so please believe me" I said, almost crying. His eyes were now full of tears and he pulled me into a hug. My shirt damp from his tears. "I'm sorry y/n" he said against the crook of my neck. I stroked his hair and whispered "It's ok my love".
  We went back to my hut and just cuddled the rest of the night. Newt apologized over and over again and of course I told him that it was ok over and over again.

^Author's note: Hello my lovely readers!!  This story was inspired by the book that @jasontodders wrote! Most of the credits go to them! Also check them out because they did such a great job on their book! Anyways I hope you enjoy!^

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