The dance- TBS

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And btw the surname "Lowe" is pronounced low not low-e. Happy reading!!

  I was waiting in my room for my dress to arrive for the ball that the Sangster family was hosting. One of the most prominent families in the kingdom, along with mine. The Lowe family.
  Us Lowes we're charming by nature, incredible at reading people and had a sharp mind, like a blade. Including me, y/n Lowe. I was the most charming woman in the kingdom, every family wanted me to marry their son. But I had no interest in such things.
  I prefer to read and paint. Be with my friends and family. I had no interest to fall in love at seventeen! But yet, there I was waiting for a dress, to impress a man.
   My family wanted me to marry the Sangster's son, Thomas. But me and Thomas had a long standing hatred for each other. We never really got along but our parents wanted us to get married as for us to merge our families together.
  My dress had finally arrived. It was a deep blue with a few lighter shades for the seams. It was beautiful! "Y/n! Come on love it's time for you to get ready for your dance with Thomas!" My mum said from the bottom of the central staircase. "Mother, I have no interest in dancing with him! And I'm sure he doesn't either!" I said, attitude lacing my voice. "Oh shush darling! It's just one evening. You'll live through it!" my mum said, half laughing. I scoffed and began getting ready for the evening's events.

I put my suit on and lied down on my bed. I sighed. "I'm going to have to dance with her" I said under my breath. I thought y/n was beautiful, even though we hated each other. I didn't really hate her. And I don't think she did either.
  But tonight, I was going to dance with her and honestly, I couldn't wait for it much longer. "Thomas! Darling! Come downstairs, guests are arriving!" my mother said while knocking on my door. "Is she here mum?" I asked, hopeful that I would get to see her beautiful face. "Not yet- ah! Their carriage just arrived!" she said over the chatter of the guests.
  I sighed and opened the door. I walked out and pasted on a smile. I scanned, trying to find her lovely features in a crowd. But there she was, in a deep blue dress. She was talking to my parents and my parents pointed her to me.
  Another woman with her daughter were talking to me but I didn't care.It was probably about me marrying her daughter."If you'll excuse me" I said, while I walked towards the beautiful girl. I heard the mother scoff and the girl bursting into tears. I didn't mind it though, she was here. She turned towards me and smiled. "Why hello Mr. Sangster" she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Ms Lowe" I said while I kissed her hand. "Might I have this dance?" I asked, extending my hand.


(I recommend that you listen to this song for the dance scene)
  He extended his hand as he asked me to dance. I took his hand and we went towards the dance floor.          
  The music began to play and we moved to the rhythm. Waltzing around the ballroom. He said "You look beautiful tonight, y/n" which caused me to giggle. "Is Thomas Brodie Sangster complimenting me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
  Everyone was staring because the two most desirable people in the kingdom were dancing together and enjoying it. I enjoyed dancing with Thomas. Dancing around a ballroom with him felt..magical. That's the only word that I can find to describe it.
  After our dance, Thomas led me to the art gallery of their massive home. He closed the door behind us and took me into his arms. He spun me around until I almost fell. And of course, being the charismatic man he is, he caught me before I fell. He looked down at me and smirked. "You look even better from this angle" he said as he pulled me to my feet again.
  I walked towards him in a seductive manner and made little shapes on his chest with my finger. He pulled me in and kissed me. He kissed me hungrily, like he'd wanted to do it for a long time. And I'm surprised to say that I kissed back. I kissed back with the same hunger that he did.
  We eventually began fumbling towards the wall, where he pinned me to it. He then moved on to my neck, leaving little marks all over it. "Thomas-" I said, breathless, "we can't.. we're out of wedlock".
  He was taken aback by my statement but he straightened up and said "Marry me then". I laughed, "what?" I asked, confused by what he had just said. "Marry me" he said, emotionlessly. That's when I knew that he was serious.
  "It's going to take a bit more than that, Mr Sangster" I said, smiling. "Alright then" he said as he pulled me back into the ballroom. "What are you-" I tried to say before we entered the spacious and loud room. "Silence everybody!" he said as we got to the middle of the room.
  Everybody turned to look at us. "I have chosen the woman that I wish to make my wife. She is charismatic, beautiful and all around wonderful. So y/n Lowe will you make me the happiest man on Earth and be my wife?" he said, as his voice echoed off the walls. Everybody stared, waiting for my answer.
  And finally "yes!" I said as I lunged into his arms. He started spinning me around in the air and I swear I saw him whisper 'I love you'. He put the beautiful diamond ring on my finger and I ended up spending the night at his house, no matter how unethical it may have been.

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