I love you..- Newt

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  A few days ago, I found out that Newt wasn't immune to the Flare and that he was slowly dying. I spent as much time with him as I could before he.. you know.. dies. Me, Newt, Thomas and Gally got into the WCKD building, me and Newt were together and Thomas and Gally were together. We got Teresa inside and tried to find Minho.
  Newt was getting worse by the second and by the time we found Minho, he was already coughing up black blood. When the WCKD soldiers found us we locked ourselves in a room on one of the top floors.
  We were trying to make up a plan and the best we could come up with was to jump out of the window into the pool of endless water under us. I held Newt's  hand and he held mine even tighter. The boys threw an oxygen tank out of the window and I held Minho and Newt's hands.
  We jumped out of the window and I let out a high pitched scream. When we landed in the water, my head felt like it was about to explode but I managed to still hold Newt's hand. But suddenly, he let go. I could hear my name being yelled over water. "Y/n!" Newt and Minho gelled in unison. When I finally came up Newt and Minho sighed in relief. When we got out of the pool, a bunch of guards swarmed us.    We were trapped.
  Suddenly one of the guards shot all of the others. He took his hood and his mask off. It was Gally. A wave of relief washed over me. "Gally?" Minho said, confused yet relieved. "Minho" Gally said, "you guys are nuts". I laughed and ran towards Gally. I hugged him and said "I hate you Gally but you still saved us!". He hugged back and said "Love you too y/n". I walked back to Newt and put my hand on his cold, wet cheek. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked even though I knew the answer. Newt entered a coughing fit and said "My love, you know that I feel awful..". I hugged him tightly and said "I'm so sorry Newt.. but we'll get to Brenda soon and you'll get the serum".    
  We walked through the city when suddenly, an explosion. The city wall was infiltrated. The cranks came running in and I panicked. Newt noticed and pulled me into a hug. He squeezed me close to his chest and it calmed me down a bit.
  We ran into an alley and Newt collapsed. I sat down next to him while he coughed up black blood. He took my hand and said "I love you y/n. So damn much". His now almost black eyes, full of tears. He put his hand on my cheek and tried to smile. I began to sob as he stroked my hair. "Y/n.. please don't cry-" he tried to say before he began another fit. "Newt- I can't! You're the love of my life and you're dying.." I said while choking back tears.
"My love..when I die please don't focus on my death and please don't cry over me. I had it coming but you were the best thing that's ever happened to me and I thank you for being in my life" he said slightly sobbing now. He ripped a necklace off his neck and put it on me. "Keep this as a reminder of my love" he said, trying to smile again. "I love you darling" I said as I kissed his forehead. "We have to go guys!" Thomas yelled over the gunshots and the explosions. Thomas, Minho and Gally ran into the fight. Me and Newt stayed in the alley.
  But I couldn't stand seeing him like that, dying.. I tried to pick him up and succeeded. We walked into and abandoned train station. Newt's legs gave way half way through the station. He fell and I fell along with him. He started hyperventilating and shaking. I tried to figure out what to do. I was kneeling by his side but then I got up. I looked around for Brenda or anyone else that I knew.
  I turned around and saw Newt standing. I walked towards him and said "Newt?". He turned around and lunged towards me. He fell on top of me and I pulled out my dagger. "Kill me y/n!" he yelled. He seemed to know what he could do to me. I think he knew that he could..potentially kill me. "I-I can't Newt!" I yelled back. I rolled out from under him and got back on my feet. He took a knife out of his back pocket and lunged towards me again. "Newt stop! It's me!" I yelled. His face softened. I could see a little bit of him in his eyes. But then the Newt I knew disappeared and the crank was back. Newt tried to stab me with the knife but ended up missing me.
  But then he tried again and the knife recoiled.. he stabbed himself. He fell to the ground and coughed up blood again. I ran to his side and put his head in my lap. I began to cry. I whispered "Newt.. I'm so sorry.. I love you..". "I- I love you too, dar-" he tried to say but his time was over.. I sobbed even harder while the love of my life was dead in my arms. Thomas and Brenda ran up with the serum in their hands.
  Brenda ran to me and hugged me while we cried. We got up and left Newt behind. I cried all the way to the Safe Heaven. I kept all of the sweatshirts that he gave me, every little letter he wrote me and the necklace that he gave me that night.. I loved Newt and I never gave up on him. I would never take another man..

^Author's note: Hello my loves!! I've been working on this story all day and I went through a lot of writers block for this! I hope you enjoy this story lol. I might write another part to this but I don't think so. Anyways I'll let you read <3^

𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓼 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 &lt;33Where stories live. Discover now