Part 9: a kidnapping

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I walk into my room in the base and close the door before I take of my mask and place it onto its stand where I grab my regular clothes and take off my sith outfit and put my Jedi robes on. I throw my sith clothes into the washing before I grab my helmet and wipe of the dirt that's on it from the sand storm

Y/n: I hate those pirates

I walk out of my base and into a nearby cave where I call Ashoka on my holoprojector and soon enough she picks up but she's on a battle field

Ashoka: I'll be right back

The hologram ends and I chuckle as even though she's mid fire fight she still answered my call

Y/n: she's the best

I get undressed before I put my clothes into the cleaner and have a shower getting all the dirt and sweat off of me. I step out of the shower as I wrap a towel around myself. I walk out of my bathroom and into my room where I see master drear waiting for me

Drear: I have a new assignment for you

I nod and kneel making sure my towel stays up

Y/n: tell me more master

Drear: the cis are having trouble with an outpost on the planet Felucia you are to help keep the outpost so that it can't fall into the grasp of the republic

I look up at her

Y/n: master I'm apart of the Jedi I can't betray them

Drear: you already have by joining me

I look down ashamed before I stand up

Y/n: it will be done master

She leaves my room and I use the force to pull my now clean armour towards me from the washing machine so that I can put them on them as I walk to the door I force pull my yellow lightsaber and my helmet into my hands. I put my helmet on as I walk into the ship that my master gave me

 I put my  helmet on as I walk into the ship that my master gave me

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(Imagine that it's black and gold)

A T-20 star fighter. I board my ship and I use the built in navigation computer to set a corse for felucia. I start the engines before I press a button making the roof above us open up and allowing me to fly out and as soon as I break the atmosphere I jump into hyperspace. Once I arrive I see several capital ships all of which are either the cis and republic ships. I divert all power to my thruster so that I can just fly straight into the base that the republic is trying to take with minimal distractions. I land at the base and step out of the ship

Droid: halt state your purpose

I roll my eyes at the clankers

Y/n: I'm the assassin sent to protect this base from the Jedi

The commanding droid walks towards me

Commander: we won't need any help I cal-

Y/n: your droids calculations are all ways a pile of bantha crap. As long as I'm here I call the shoots got it?

The lost Jedi (Male reader x Ahsoka Tano)Where stories live. Discover now