Love Me Not ~ 58

889 51 15

Woop Woop


"I'm surprised you're joining us." Erwin said to Levi.

"Well someone wasn't answering their fucking phone." Levi grumbled.

Hanji walked in a moment water and sat next to Erwin. "It took a bit to catch up to Levi. It was like he was running."

"Shut up." Levi rolled his eyes.

Hanji stood. "I'm gonna get Levi a coffee to sober him up."

Eren nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

"I'm not drunk." Levi sighed. "I was getting irritated that Erwin was insisting we go out for drinks and then doesn't show."

"That's my fault, sorry. We started talking and got caught up." Eren laughed awkwardly.

"I know, I saw from the window. I thought I was gonna come back here and find you guys fucking or something." Levi murmured.

Eren's eyes went wide and Erwin laughed.

Hanji shook her head and set the coffee down in front of Levi. "Sorry, he's even more vulgar when he's drinking." She spoke to Eren. "At least you know he was jealous."

"Jealous?" Eren raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not jealous." Levi sipped at his coffee. "This tastes like shit."

"Sure, and I'm straight." Erwin mumbled sarcastically, causing Eren and Hanji to laugh.


Levi sobered up a bit and was ready to walk home. He was planning on heading out alone, but Erwin and Hanji insisted that Eren walk him since it was on the way.

"I've never seen you like...intoxicated before." Eren murmured. "You've seen me that way."

"Yeah and you were clinging to me like crazy." Levi mumbled.

"Sorry." Eren looked down at his feet as they walked.

"So, about the whole argument. I was a bit of an asshole." Levi looked away as they walked.

"Yeah, you were. I guess it's fine. I shouldn't have expected you to feel the same way as I did. You never did from the beginning. It's okay." Eren ran a hand through his hair. "I'm used to you by now and the way you speak."

Levi furrowed his brows. Did people really have to get used to how he was? How was he? Was it that bad? The way Eren made it seem, he sounded horrible. "I shouldn't have slept with you. Simple as that."

"I mean, yeah. I came onto you and I wasn't drunk or anything. That was a decision I made. I own up to that now." Eren shrugged. "Anyways, it's over let's not talk about this anymore."

"So, I assume you're going to Erwin's Christmas Party?"

"Yup. I'll probably make Mikasa and Armin come. Jean, Sasha, and Connie are coming too since they work at the bookstore. Are you going?" Eren asked.

"I would rather not, but I guess I have to. Erwin always tries to trap me into going to his "Christmas parties" but they always end up having a cake for my birthday." Levi mumbled.

"Your birthday? It's on Christmas?" Eren looked surprised.

"Yeah, why is that weird?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"No, I just wasn't expecting that." Eren walked Levi the front of his apartment complex. "I'll see you soon then."

Levi nodded. "See ya." He turned and started walking towards his apartment.

Eren really didn't want to go home just yet. The quietness of Levi's apartment was really drawing him in. He wanted to go with him, but knew he couldn't. He finally started walking away, a sigh leaving his lips.

Once Levi made it to his front door, he turned and glanced back at Eren as he walked away. He knew he should've just invited him to stay over since it was late.

Eren was still in his sights. He still could. Levi turned and went after Eren. "Oi, it's late. Why don't you just crash on my couch?"

Eren tilted his head. Did Levi somehow hear his thoughts? "No, no. It's okay."

"I'm only going to offer once. It's late and you shouldn't be walking home alone at night." Levi said. "I'm not begging you to say. If you want to, then come on."

Eren knew it would be better to just turn and go home, but it was like his feet had a mind of their own. They were already following Levi into his apartment.

"Hi, Abelle." Eren reached down and pet the small cat as she came to greet him.

Levi put a pillow and blanket on the couch. "I don't like not showering before bed, so you're showering too and I'll give you clothes."

Levi was even more blunt while drinking. Eren didn't think it was possible.

He also knew that Levi liked things clean, so he assumed that would explain it. A shower could most likely help him calm down anyways.

"You can shower first while I look for stuff for you to wear." Levi tossed Eren a clean towel and disappeared into his bedroom.

Eren went into the bathroom and set the towel down. He slowly pulled off his jacket and shirt, setting them aside. He unbuttoned his pants and stepped out of them, abandoning them on the floor while he pulled down his boxers.

It felt odd to be standing completely naked in Levi's bathroom. He leaned down to turn the water on and stood quickly when he heard a knock.

After the knock the door swung open and Levi stood there with clothes. "Damn, you move fast." He wasn't expecting to see the other naked.

Eren's back was turned to Levi, so all he was seeing was his backside. He turned his head. "You could've knocked better."

"I've seen it all before." Levi mumbled. He had no filter and put the clean clothes on the counter. He went to leave the bathroom and smirked a bit. He closed the door behind him and Eren let out a shaky breath.

He knew Levi was most definitely checking him out. That glance and the smirk? It sent Eren into a frenzy. He felt hot and desperately needed a cold shower at that point, even though it was December.


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