Love Me Not ~ 65

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Levi sat on the couch in his apartment with Eren's head resting in his lap. He ran his fingers through the others soft hair.

Abelle curled up next to them and napped peacefully.

"I can't believe winter break is almost over." Eren groaned. "I don't want to go back to school. We barely see each other now. When I'm at school and work it's going to be even harder."

"It's fine. We'll see what happens. It's not like that is going to determine if we stay together or not." Levi murmured. "Plus, once you tell your friends it'll be easier."

Eren sat up and raised an eyebrow. "When I tell
my friends? You haven't told your friends either."

"I just have a feeling that they might have a bigger reaction than Hanji and Erwin would. They know about my sexuality. Your friends don't, right?" Levi asked.

"Only Mikasa, Armin, and Jean know." Eren frowned.

"Well, do you think your others friends will be against it? I find that so hard to believe since Jean is very open about his sexuality. I don't even know the guy and can tell."

"How can you be so open about it? I tried so hard to keep it to only Mikasa and Armin knowing for so long." Eren sighed. "It makes me anxious."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. When you're in a relationship most people want to show it off and all. Well, the lovey dovey, fuckers." Levi shrugged. "I didn't really tell anyone. Most people just knew. I had a small group in college. Hanji definitely knew due to Erwin and I-" He cut himself off. Had they had that conversation?

"Whoa whoa, Erwin and you what?" Eren sat up and looked at Levi.

"I thought you knew. When we were in college we'd hook up sometimes. A lot of the guys did. It's obviously a think of the past." Levi reached out and pet Abelle.

"I had a feeling and I expected it ever since I saw him trying to kiss you." Eren sighed. "Why didn't you think to tell me this sooner?"

"Was this going to break or break you dating me?" Levi asked, rolling his eyes. "And what do you mean? He hasn't tried to kiss me."

"A long time ago. I saw it walking home." Eren mumbled.

"Well clearly if you stuck around you would've seen me say no. Do you think I have feeling for him or something?" Levi asked.

"No, but it makes me a little uneasy that you're still close friends with someone you were intimate with." Eren said back, hoping it didn't cause some sort of argument.

Levi was surprised Eren felt that way. "We've been out of college for a while. That all stopped back then and as much as I hate to admit it, Erwin, along with Hanji, are my best friends. There's no way I would cut either of them off. Think about it this way, I wouldn't tell you to stop being friends with Armin if you guys used to hook up. Used to is the key word."

Eren's face went pale once he head Levi's words. Levi knew he struck a nerve. Eren didn't tell him about Armin's feelings he had in the past for him. He didn't tell him about when he kissed him.

"That seemed to trigger something. With that, is there anything you need to tell me?" Levi asked. "I can assure you, I don't give a shit. You guys hooked up after we did? A lot of people do that with no feelings attached."

Eren shook his head. "We didn't hook up."

"So what happened?" Levi asked.

"He told me he had feelings for me. I didn't feel the same way, but I kissed him. He spent the night after. Nothing else happened. We pretend that night didn't happen." Eren sighed.

"When?" Levi asked.

"Not long ago. A couple months at least." Eren thought Levi would at least be annoyed.

Levi didn't seem to care at all.

"That doesn't bother you?" Eren asked.

"Not really. It was before we were dating. I don't care." Levi rested a hand on Eren's thigh. "That'd be pretty stupid of me to care."

"But I have feelings for you that whole time and I still did that. You didn't like me at all back then?" Eren asked.

"I did, but one, I didn't realize it, and two, we weren't together." Levi pet Abelle a bit more before meeting Eren's gaze. "It's not like all of this happened between you and Erwin or something. It's Armin."

"That makes no sense at all. I saw you staring when he put his hand on my waist in the kitchen during the Christmas party." Eren couldn't help but smirk a bit. "You were so jealous. I find it funny how you don't see Armin as a threat, but Erwin is."

"That's not what it is." Levi rolled his eyes.

"It definitely is." Eren shifted in his spot, causing Abelle to jump off of the coach and run off. He leaned in and kissed the other.

Levi kissed back and pulled the other in by his waist.

Eren pulled away. "No, no. We aren't doing that today. I'm still a little annoyed at you. Plus, my dad told me I needed to go home for something."

"So, you're really going to leave me hanging?" Levi asked.

"Yup." Eren gave him a soft peck. "Bye." He turned and slipped his shoes on. He left the apartment.


Eren and Grisha hadn't talked much at all. They had a pretty good relationship in the past, but now the time to even talk was gone.

He was never home and just didn't call.

His blood was boiling when he got home and saw he wasn't home. He said he would be home.

Eren was frustrated. He really could've been with Levi in that moment and not rushing home to be met with an empty driveway.

The male still unlocked the front door and went inside. "Mikasa, I'm home!" He called out, not even sure if she was there.

He headed into the kitchen and stopped in his tracks. He saw a random blonde man sitting at his kitchen table.


"Eren, right? I'm Zeke. Dad told me he told you about me." Zeke stood to shake the other's hand.

"I'm going to be honest with you, he hasn't. I haven't seen him long enough to have a conversation in a while." Eren murmured. "But.. you called him dad?"

"Uh..yeah. I'm your brother."


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What are your thoughts on Zeke ??

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