Love Me Not ~ 25

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The fact we're already 25 chapters into this story 🥺 A lot of you came over from Castaway and I appreciate it so much! The beginning of Castaway isn't that great since I wrote it while I was really young so sometimes I get a bit discouraged with that story. Love Me Not was started recently so it shows how my writing has matured (and is definitely still improving lol)

Eren was filled with anxiety as he worked the rest of his shift. He took a big step and approached Levi about wanting to talk.

He was regretting ever reaching out to him.

When he thought about it though, he was confused as to why Levi didn't stop talking to him or avoid him if he was kissed by Eren that night.

Did he assume that Eren wouldn't remember anyways and brush it off?

"Eren? Are you going to clock out?" Sasha asked, confused as to why Eren stood lost in thought in the dark employee room.

Eren was snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah. I'm coming." He clocked out and said his goodbyes to Sasha before going to the front of the store.

It was a warm summer night and the sun was already gone. The moon was peeking out, but the beautiful pinks, blues, and oranges were still prominent in the sky.

Eren wished he could be somewhere high up and clear so he could watch the light disappear and welcome in the darkness and stars. He'd rather be doing anything else in that moment than going to talk to Levi.

He made his way to the front of the store and stood outside for a moment. After a deep breath, he turned and saw Levi on his phone. He had been on a bench.

"I'm done." Eren said, walking over.

"Alright." Levi stuffed his phone in his pocket and stood. "Where are we doing this?" He asked.

"What?" Eren asked.

"Talking." Levi raised an eyebrow. "Geez kid, sometimes I wonder if there's anybody in there." He flicked Eren's forehead.

Eren rubbed his forehead and blushed in embarrassment. "We can go to the park. It'll be quick."

"Okay. Lead the way." Levi waited for Eren to start walking before walking alongside him.

The park was the next street over and they were already there in a matter of minutes. There was silence between them. It wasn't like they had anything to make small talk over.

"You got me alone. Planning to mug me now?" Levi asked.

"You caught me. Hand over your wallet." Eren joked, holding his hand out.

Levi couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. At least the kid could joke around. "What did you want to talk about?"

Eren started walking into the park and along the pathway. There weren't many people around. The occasional couple passed, or someone walking their dog. It was peaceful and a perfect place to talk. "I wanted to talk about the party."

"Alright. What about the party?" Levi asked. He had a feeling he knew where it was going to lead. He wasn't one to get anxious or panic though.

"I know I got way out of hand. I wasn't expecting things to go that way. I barely remembered anything until recently. I've been getting bits and pieces back." Eren sighed. "I've gotten a lot of it back and I was shocked when I realized what had happened with us."

Levi stayed silent and waited for Eren to continue.

"I don't remember everything I said exactly, but I'm really sorry for kissing you. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant." Eren mumbled, not daring to make eye contact with Levi.

Love Me Not - {riren au}Where stories live. Discover now