Love Me Not ~ 73

567 31 3

Art: roredwarrior (art legend :))
"I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Mikasa murmured, standing in Eren's doorway.

"You got a second?" Eren asked. "I know you just got back from work, but we really need to talk."

"Yeah." Mikasa walked in and sat on his bed. "What about?"

"Why did you tell me to let Armin go that day?" Eren's room was pitch black. He could only see Mikasa from the light from the hallway seeping into the room, as well as the moonlight peeking in through his window.

"To give him some time to process everything." Mikasa answered. "He was upset."

"Well he was more upset that I didn't go after him to clear it all up in that moment. He's really upset with me. I wish I didn't listen to you." Eren began to take his frustration out on Mikasa. "He told me that I knew him, that I would've known to go after him. I was going to, but you stopped me."

"I didn't think it would blow up this much. I just didn't want things to explode in front of your dad and Zeke. They were right downstairs." Mikasa defended. "You know they would've tried to figure out what was going on if you two got into an argument. You and Armin never butt beads. It would be concerning."

Eren wanted to argue, but he knew Mikasa was right. It kept the situation quiet. Him and Armin wouldn't get into a huge blowout argument, but it would've gotten the attention of his father and Zeke.

"Sorry, I kind of took out my frustration on you." Eren sighed. "Armin told me not to talk to him for a while and Levi also does not want to talk to me right now. Not to mention, he's also not sober."

"Oh. I didn't know it went that way. I just saw Armin outside on my walk back. He seemed fine." Mikasa tilted her head. "He was helping his grandpa inside."

"Well he's not going to be showing his grandpa he's upset." Eren sighed. He then felt his phone vibrate. He took it off of the nightstand and saw it was Levi. "Hello?" He answered it quickly, thinking something was wrong.

"Hey, it's Erwin. Could you come pick Levi up? I'm sorry to bother you, but the three of us have been drinking so neither Hanji and I are in a position to drive him."

Eren furrowed his brows and got out of bed. "Yeah, sure. Is it the bar in town?"

"Yeah, thanks." Erwin went to hang up, but in the background Eren could hear Levi.

"You better not have called him I can walk home." Levi said.

The phone cut out after that.

"Well, now I need to go." Eren was in his pajamas, but didn't care. He walked out of the room and down the stairs. "Hey dad, can I take the car really quick?" He pulled on a sweater as he asked.

"Sure, why so late?" Grisha asked.

"Jean is stranded like an idiot. I'm just offering him a ride." Eren lied. "I'll be back soon." He grabbed the keys off the hook and ran out before Grisha could ask him any more questions.

Eren got in the car and drove to the bar. He pulled up at the front to see Levi, Hanji and Erwin standing by the curb. He rolled down the window. "I can give you all a ride."'

"No, it's fine we can call a cab or something." Erwin shrugged.

"Everyone is calling a cab right now. It'll probably be like two hours before you get picked up. Just get in." Eren unlocked the car doors and watched as they shuffled in. (This happened to me leaving the bar w my friends and we were stranded until like 5 am ❤️)

Levi sat in the passenger side and huffed a bit. "I could've walked."

"Sure." Eren said sarcastically before starting to drive. "Am I dropping you off at that huge house?" He looked up at the rear view mirror to glance at Hanji and Erwin in the back.

"You can just drop us both off at my place. She can crash on my couch." Erwin gave Eren directions.

"Sooo...that huge house?" Eren asked.

"Yes." Erwin chuckled.

"You used to have an apartment in town right?" Eren asked, remembering the time he had saw him and Levi in front of the entrance.

"Yeah, I still have the place. I should probably rent it out." Erwin mumbled to himself.

While Eren drove, he noticed that Levi was awfully quiet. He was facing the window.

Hanji and Erwin were dropped off, but then when it came to drop Levi off he didn't move when his apartment came into view.

Eren nudged his shoulder and was surprised to see he was asleep. He didn't really fall asleep easily and didn't sleep much. He would always be in and out of sleep when Eren spent the night.

"We're here wake up." Eren nudged Levi again.

Levi's eyes opened and he glared a bit. "I'm trying to sleep."

"You're in the car. Let's get to your bed." Eren got out of the car and went around to the passenger side. He opened the door and helped Levi out.

Once they were in Levi's apartment, it was like he got a burst of energy. He made sure to get ready for bed and that Abelle was fed.

Levi was cleaned up and in bed in a matter of twenty minutes. He looked up at Eren. "What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"Oh, I'll go." Eren turned to leave.

"No, I thought you were getting in." Levi mumbled.

"Hold on." Eren took his phone out of his pocket and texted Grisha. 'I'm staying at Jean's since it's late. I'll make sure to be home early tomorrow so you have the car for work.' Once he hit send on the text he climbed into bed with the other. "I thought you were mad at me."

"I am." Levi mumbled, kissing the back of Eren's neck as the other settled in his arms. "Doesn't mean we can't do this though, we're dating."

"Yeah." Eren got goosebumps from the kiss on the back of his neck and it caused Levi to chuckle.


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