Love Me Not ~ 61

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The Christmas party was approaching fast and Eren didn't feel ready at all.

Apparently it was going to be at Erwin's house.

The thought of all of them together felt weird to him, but he did have to remember that they weren't all that far in age. Four years is barely anything. 

Eren was going to bring Armin and Mikasa, which wasn't shocking to anyone.

Jean chose to go alone and didn't bring anyone else. He didn't exactly have a date to bring.

Both Sasha and Connie were attending as well. Sasha brought her boyfriend and Connie told Jean that they could both be the cool bachelors of the night.


"I think this is the address." Eren looked down at his phone on his maps app before looking back up at the house in front of him.

"This house is huge..." Armin's voice trailed off. "Is he rich?"

"His parents own the bookstore. They have a few more in other towns." Eren didn't seem very phased. He assumed he came from money.

The three approached the front door and before he could knock, it swung open.

Levi stood at the front door with Hanji.

"Nice timing." Hanji said with a smile.

"Hey." Eren was a bit awkward. "Leaving already?"

"Hanji wanted a smoke." Levi was short with his answer and walked out of the house. "Christmas threw up in there. I needed a break."

Eren raised an eyebrow. "See you in a bit then." He turned and walked into the house.

The house from top to bottom was decorated. It didn't look overly festive. It was nice and he wished that his house could look like that.

"You guys made it. Great." Erwin stood in the living room. The three was practically to the ceiling and the room was filled with decorations. There was a golden retriever sleeping peacefully by the fireplace.

"Your house is so nice." Armin complimented.

Eren nodded in agreement.

Mikasa was fixated on the dog.

"Thank you, and that's Scout. He's super friendly, but he's old and loves napping." Erwin chuckled. "Food will be ready in a little bit, in the mean time, there's drinks in the kitchen. Help yourself to whatever you want."

Jean was in the kitchen leaning against the counter with a beer in hand. "I didn't think he was this rich."

Eren shrugged. "I don't know I'm not surprised. It's a really nice house though." He opened the fridge and grabbed a beer as well. "Want anything?" He asked Mikasa and Armin.

"I'll have one in a bit. We just got here." Mikasa answered.

"I'm skipping the alcohol. I was a mess last time and I don't exactly trust my filter right now. I don't want to say some crazy stuff." Armin laughed a bit.

"Like what?" Jean asked.

"I don't know, not anything you guys would want to hear though." Armin shrugged.

"Now I'm curious." Jean murmured.

Levi walked into the kitchen with Hanji. "Watch yourselves. We don't want a repeat of last time. I'm looking at you, Jaeger."

Eren could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah. I'll control myself." He tried to joke.

Levi couldn't help but think about that night. He helped Eren to bed and basically stayed there with him. He kissed him.

It was crazy to him that the constant back and force had been going on for so long. Months had passed at that point.

It seemed like everyone else saw something that they weren't seeing when it came to them.

"Cut the poor kid some slack." Hanji teased. "Everyone makes that mistake at least once."

"Oh god, let's not talk about it please." Eren laughed a bit. "I've made too many mistakes this past year. I need the new year to be here stat."

Levi did somewhat did consider what they did a mistake in his eyes, but hearing Eren say it bothered him more than he thought it would.

It would only make sense that what they did would be considered a mistake.

Levi made it obvious enough to Eren that to him it was a mistake.

It was even worse that the two were sober as well during it. It wasn't like it could be blamed on a drunken mistake. It was their own stupidity.

Eren glanced at Levi and caught a glimpse of a scowl on his face. Was that scowl from what he said?

The room got oddly quiet.

"I think of all of us in this room, you made the most mistakes." Mikasa said bluntly, before grabbing a can of soda and leaving the kitchen to go see the dog.

"She's joking I swear." Armin said to Hanji, who didn't know her or her behavior. "She's always serious like that, but she was definitely joking."

Levi rolled his eyes and turned to get himself a drink. "I'm gonna need a lot of these to get through this cringey ass night. I didn't think we were a frat, partying with all of these college kids."

"Oh stop, it's fun. We're old. Live a little." Hanji grinned. "You know you'd just be home with your cat reading if you weren't here."

"That's my element. I don't need to do anything other than that." Levi said back.

"That seems better than being at a party. I'd pick that over this too if we're being honest." Eren added.

"Hell no, party first, snooze fest later." Jean said, putting an arm around Eren's shoulders as he chugged the rest of his beer. Once he was done he took Eren's beer and chugged it as well.

"I was gonna drink that." Eren groaned and went to get another.

"Kids gonna have a beer belly by next month if he keeps this up." Hanji teased.

"He's mourning the loss of his boyfriend." Eren murmured.

"We're not talking about that, Eren." Jean spat, brows furrowed. "He who shall not be named."

"Oh, Marco?" Sasha said as she walked into the kitchen hand in hand with her new boyfriend.

"Shhhh!" Jean shushed her. "Wait a damn minute, is this the Niccolo?"

"Of course it is." Sasha teased. "Niccolo, these are my coworkers and friends."

"Nice to meet you." Niccolo said, with a small smile on his face.

"How did you guys meet?" Armin asked.

"He's a chef, and I went to one of his restaurants." Sasha smiled.

"I just kept cooking and cooking. She just kept eating." Niccolo laughed. "We were there even after my restaurant closed."

"So... a perfect pair." Eren teased.

"Are you even in love if he doesn't cook for you in his restaurant after hours?" Jean joked.



I hope all of you had a great holiday season!

Happy New Year!

Let's hope 2022 is better than 2021...


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