Love Me Not ~ 30

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Can we all take a minute to just DIE over the pic I added? Dinklebert is truly a artistic god.

Credit: Dinklebert, dinklebertarts on Instagram, dinklebert on tumblr :)


Levi glanced over at Eren as he slept. He knew they were in such an odd position.

After a long night, Eren fell fast asleep. He figured he'd give the guy a break and let him sleep instead of waking him so he could change the sheets.

He was probably sore and exhausted.

It was the first time he didn't change his sheets after sleeping with someone. It might've even been the first time he let someone stay over after. He couldn't bring himself to actually kick Eren out.

Levi didn't sleep much and laid in bed. No matter what he did his gaze always went back to Eren. He studied him from behind.

He realized why he didn't like having people stay over, especially after sex. They weren't together. There was nothing between them. So sharing a bed like they were lovers wasn't something he enjoyed. There was also a pang of guilt that hit him once they were finished.

Levi was eventually able to doze off, turning so he was facing away from Eren.

There was one more person than there usually was in Levi's bed, but it felt just as empty.

Although Eren had actually enjoyed himself, he wasn't the happiest. He fell asleep and wasn't looking forward to the awkward interaction they'd have in the morning.

Eren had also completely ignored his phone vibrating and ringing until it was dead, which was probably something he'd end up regretting.


Eren woke up the next day to an empty bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning softly. He moved to sit at the edge of the bed and winced in pain. His hips and lower back ached. The fact he was still at Levi's apartment surprised him. He was set on going home afterwards, but that definitely didn't happen. Going home in that state wouldn't have been smart anyways.

All he could think about was how his dad and Mikasa were probably wondering where he had disappeared to.

Mikasa might be able to guess, but he knew his dad would have no idea, which would probably stress him more. He realized he should get home as soon as possible.

He scanned the room for his clothes, but looked up when he heard the door open.

Levi stood with a towel around his waist and ran a hand through his damp hair. He wasn't expecting to see Eren up already. "I ran the water for a bath. I figured you'd want to if you're feeling sore."

Eren got out of the bed and stumbled a bit.

Levi went over to Eren and helped him stand. "Do you need help?"

"No, I just wasn't expecting my legs to give out like that. I'm okay. I can do it myself." Eren said back, moving away and walking into the bathroom.

Levi turned his head and watched as he went into the bathroom. Eren seemed a bit standoffish to him.

Eren had completely forgotten he was naked and only realized when he saw himself in the mirror. He was also covered in marks. Why did Levi feel the need to leave so many? He sighed and stepped into the tub.

He felt some relief from the hot water and closed his eyes. The male caught himself dozing off a bit and decided he should wash up before he ended up falling sleep.

Eren honestly didn't want to leave the bathroom and face Levi but he couldn't delay. He needed to go home. He let a few minutes pass before he got out of the tub and grabbed a towel. It was folded and right by the bath and he knew Levi left it for him.

He walked out of the bathroom with his towel securely around his waist.

Eren stood and froze when he saw Levi getting dressed. He had his back to Eren as he slipped his shirt on.

Levi turned and looked at Eren when he saw him in the reflection of his mirror. "Your clothes are right there." He pointed to a pile neatly folded on the bed.

Eren nodded and took the clothes. He pulled his shirt on. It smelled clean and just like the way Levi's sheets smelled. It smelled like him and it made his heart practically skip a beat. He took the towel from around his waist off and set it aside. He knew that Levi had seen him in a more vulnerable state so he shouldn't care if he saw him naked.

Levi never had anyone stay over so he wasn't sure what to do. Did he just let him leave? Did he offer him anything? Did they talk about the night before? "So.."

Eren looked at Levi and tilted his head. "Yeah?"

"About last night," Levi started, but before he could finish he was cut off by Eren.

"We don't have to talk about it." Eren sighed. "You don't have to tell me it was a one time thing and that it meant nothing. I get it. A one night stand. I'm not mad. I suggested it after all."

Levi rolled his eyes. "That isn't what I was going to say, idiot."

Eren figured Levi wanted to say something along those lines. "You know, you don't have to approach me anymore. Or even say hi to me. Let's just pretend that the other doesn't exist and if you come into the bookstore, act like I'm a stranger.

"Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"
Levi asked, raising an eyebrow. It wasn't like he cared, he was just a bit confused.

"You were so set on terrorizing my life. You always came into the book store and teased me. You came to my house. You showed up at my house during that party and watched me make a fool of myself. Then you kissed me." Eren sighed. "I can't believe I actually admitted so much to you. Especially what I was saying before we came to your apartment."

"I was going into that bookstore since I was a teenager. I'm not going to change what I'm doing in my life because you decided to dwell on something from the past. You're also pretty easy to fuck with and I thought you'd be able to take a fucking joke, but guess not. I'll admit I don't have an explanation for why I kissed you that night. I did suggest we come back here because I didn't want you to cry in public. Who knows why I gave a fuck in the moment, but I did. Let's not forget that you were also the one that came onto me." Levi turned his back to Eren to pull the sheets off of his bed. He wanted to do something to distract himself from looking at Eren's upset appearance.

"I know it was stupid of me. I was hurt, I am hurt. I wanted an escape and I took the quickest one I could get." Eren wasn't sure if he regretted it or not. It gave him some closure, but he wanted more. "At least I didn't sleep with you and expect something more."

"Good." Levi didn't say anything else in response and tossed the dirty sheets into his laundry bin.

Eren quickly finished getting dressed. Even with what he said, he still liked him. Even with whatever closure he got, he still felt something. It just made it easier to move on. He turned and left the room quickly.

Levi didn't say anything else and sighed. It was a mess. Everything was a mess.

Eren put his shoes on and tied them, watching as Abelle made her way over to him.

She pawed at his shoelaces and tried to play.

Eren felt bad and pet her head, scratching softly at her ears. "Take care, Abelle." With those words he turned and left the apartment.

Levi heard they door slam and the ringing of the bell on Abelle's collar as she ran around the living room. He walked out into the living room and picked her up.

"Don't get involved with people." Levi said, petting her. "They'll put you through weird shit."

All Levi got in response was a soft meow. He set Abelle back on the floor and watched as she leapt up onto the couch. He then went back into his room to continue where he left off with cleaning.


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Love Me Not - {riren au}Where stories live. Discover now