Part 20: Epilogue

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   "Are you busy tomorrow?" I said trough the phone.
   It's 11 on a Monday morning, I was doing the laundry when I got a spectacular idea to call Matthew when I know he's probably busy like many other days.
   "I'm thinking to go on a date."
   "Babe I have my exam soon."
   "I know, but it's been forever!..." I exclaimed before continuing in a fast manners "sincethelasttimewegoonadate."
   "Baby, I'm sorry.." He said making me sighed in defeat.
   "Whatever." I said hanging up.
   I act like a brat but then giggling in success of annoying him after ending the call, I never bother because I would be equally as annoyed-maybe a lot more considering the fact that Matthew could handle literally everything, if I were to do all these stuff Matthew put up too.

Me: Matt im joking 😂😂
Me: i wasnt actually mad
Matthew: oh ffs hannah you scared me
Me: im sorry😭
Me: anyways come home early
Me: steak for dinner
Matthew: fuck yeah😙

   I threw my phone on the couch satisfied with his reaction. It's been a few months since we gotten married, we love Italy so much we went there for our honeymoon. I wasn't a full time housewife in particular but today I am, for the whole week I am.
   Yea it's quite depressing having to finally gotten week worth of days off but your partner isn't around to spend the free time. What's even more depressing is having exams, poor Matthew.

   "I'm home~~" Matthew sang, throwing his backpack on the couch fully aware of his newly bought laptop that was in there, he doesn't care. He had a class today after stopping by at the hospital he was volunteering, he doesn't have to but he insisted saying it was for the better. Though he did voice out his complaints about not having much time to spend with me, as if volunteering made it any better for our situation.
   "And dinner is ready~~" I cooed back, placing his meal on the table. "So I was thinking.." I said as we both sat down on our seat, in front of each other. "Maybe we should go the beach tomorrow."
   "Babe! I told you, I need to study."
   "I know! But but but, hear me out." I said making him wait in anticipation. "You can study with the subtle sound of ocean waves that's a pleasure for your ear as you're using all of your brain power and needed some-"
   "Babe, you talk too much." He said.
   "But its a good idea, wasn't it!"
   "Yea, that doesn't sound that bad."
   "I know right?! Who would've thought? So what do you think?" I asked obviously aware of my overwhelming excitement, I didn't even touch my steak while his was already half eaten.
   "Hmm." He stopped eating for a second to consider my suggestion.
   "I won't bother you, I promise." I said showing him my pinky finger.
   "Alright alright."
   After dinner, like our usual nightly routine, movie night. He wasn't paying much attention, the lights were on because he's studying. I didn't want to bother him so I focus on the movie of course, what else would I do. I sighed hard and loud.
   "Why?" He said, looking up from his book at me. "Are you bored? Because I'm studying?" He asked taking off his glasses.
   "No." I sighed once again. "This movie is shit." I said looking trough other movies to watch now.
   He chuckled, shaking his head at me before going back to what he was doing before being interrupted.

   That night, I slept late. Was busy thinking about what bikini should I wear to go to the beach, unnecessary worrying over little importance stuff. Matthew was sound asleep next to me, he's always tired.
   "Maybe we don't have to go." I mumbled trying to go to sleep.
   "Why?" An unexpected answers came out of Matthew.
   "You look tired, we should just stay at home." I said feeling bad. With his daily life and his packed routine everyday, I wouldn't be surprised if he look worn out in another three years. "Let's just rest."
   "We could rest at the beach, we can nap, we can eat." He mumbled, his voice raspy, eyes seal shut.
   "You sure?" I asked looking at his calm sleeping face though he aren't fully asleep anymore.
   He nodded. "Now stop talking and go to sleep." He said pulling me close into his embrace making me giggle in his chest.

"Matthew!" I called out his name from across the room, in the kitchen.
I'm packing some food to bring to the beach, sandwiches and yogurts.
"Matt wake up!" I shouted once again. He was the one to fall asleep first and the last to wake up. I sighed when he still doesn't respond to my second call.
After done with packing up the food, I walked to our bedroom seeing him still buried under the blanket. I jumped on top of him, the soft sheet feels good against my skin making me lay there still in comfort.
"Get of off me." He whined making me laughed. "You're heavy."
I gasped offended. "And you're mean." I said, rolling to the other side, setting him free.
"I'm joking baby." He said
He either called me by my name or baby, mostly babe and baby but I stayed with calling him with his name. After all these year of using the wrong name, I know he'd rather hear me say his name over and over again over any other couple names.
"Me too, if you're that sleepy let's just sleep for a little more." I said moving closer to him, getting under the same blanket before dozed off, both of us.

Author's note:
That's the end of this story. Thank you so much for reading it :)) and I hope you enjoyed it fairly well as I did writing it🥰🥰

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