Chapter 3

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Kalen's P.O.V.

By 9 p.m. I am completely exhausted, and my pounding head is not helping my exhaustion. Rubbing my temples while Wynter cuddles against the front side of my body as we lie under the covers of my new bed. The bedroom overhead light is off, and I'm dressed in my black and blue colored jammies after the shower I took.

My eyes snap open in shock when someone taps my right shoulder lightly, and I find myself looking at granpa who signs while saying; "Do you want any pain relievers?"

"I already took some, thanks though," I answer with a weak smile.

Granpa nods with a reassuring smile as he mouths; "Good. Get some rest, and by morning, I'm sure you will be fine. Wake up is at 6 a.m."

My eyes widen as my mouth drops open in shock; "Why so damn early? School doesn't start until next week."

Granpa smirks at me while mouthing; "To help on the ranch since there are chores that need to be done."

Pouting at him I know there is no way out of this, so I mumble; "Fine. See you at the ass crack of dawn. I love you, granpa."

"I love you, too, Kal," he mouths as I snuggle under the covers further as I place my arm over Wynter's body.

Closing my eyes, I know I'm out within seconds, and the next thing I know is I'm be woken up by Kolton, who looks as sleepy as I feel.

Groaning, I throw the covers off Wynter and me which allows Wynter to jump off the bed as I stand from the bed. Grabbing her harness and leash, I put this on her so I can take her outside to let her do her buisness. Heading toward the front door, I rub my right eye with my right fist.

Since I don't have my hearing aids in yet, I don't hear anyone speaking to me about not bumping into someones muscular back. Stumbling backwards a couple of steps, I try to stop myself from falling, and I'm stopped when whoever I walked into grabs me by the arms quickly.

Gasping as my heart pounds rapidly in my chest as if it is trying to leap from from my body. I snap my eyes up to find sexy Beau looking at me worridly as his mouth moves quickly, and I shake my head at him with a pout while touching my ear in hopes he understands.

He instantly stops talking as he glances over my right shoulder which gets tapped, so I turn to find mamam smiling at me as Kolton comes over to take Wynter outisde for me with a wink and a grin.

"Beau wanted to know if you are ok, Kalen?" mama signs while speaking at a speed that I can read her, and I don't like her worried expression.

She has enough on her plate that she doesn't need to stress about me, too.

Nodding in reply as my face burns from embarressment. Kolton comes back inside with Wynter then, and hands me her leash before walking into the kitchen.

Turning back to face Beau, I give him a tiny smile as I try hard not to blush; "I'm okay, thanks. I'm sorry for walking into you. I need to watch where I'm going."

Beau gives me a bright toothy smile that instantly errupts butterflies in my belly as he speaks slow enough for me to read his lips; "It's okay, Kalen. I'm sorry for not noticing you."

Shyly smiling at Beau, I say; "It's not your fault, it's mine. I wasn't watching where I was going, so again I'm sorry."

My face burns crimson when he nods with a wink as he moves toward the kitchen. Man, he is so damn sexy wearing a pair of brown cowboy boots, faded ripped blue jeans with a black colored belt, a blue and black flannel shirt with a white t-shirt on under the flannel, and a white cowboy hat with a thin black strip.

S.E.X.Y. as sin.

Taking several deep breaths to calm myself in the bathroom since I needed to pee and place my hearing aids in, I calm myself down enough to join everyone in the kitchen for breakfast. Taking the last empty plate from the counter, I fill it with a couple of strips of bacon and a pancake before sitting down next to Kolton.

"Kalen, are your hearing aids in?" mama asks making me glance at her with a smile.

Focusing on my breakfast, I tuck in as everyone around me talks while eating until granpa says; "Kalen, you are going to help Kolton today with whatever Dallas and Beau need."

Nodding in reply since I have a mouthful of food. I know today is going to be a long ass day since I want to learn more about Beau, but spending the entire day with him is going to be hard not to embarress myself in front of him.

"Wynter won't scare the horses, right?" I nervously ask as I can't leave her in the house in case I need her.

"She won't scare them," granpa assures me with a smile causing me to sigh in relief.

Standing once I have finished my food, I let go of Wynter's leash to take my dirty dishes to the kitchen to load these into the dishwasher. Wynter follows behind me as I knew she would. Once I have loaded the dishes, I head back into the dining room to see if I could take anyone elses with Wynter walking beside me.

"Kalen, go change into clothes you don't mind getting dirty," granpa says. "Everyone else will take care of their dishes."

"Okay, granpa," I nod as I pat my thigh for Wynter to follow me as I turn to head upstairs.

Kolton follows behind Wynter and me to do the same, and we head into our seperate bedrooms. Shutting the bedroom door behind us, I head over to my duffle bag to grab clean clothes, which I toss on the bed. Wynter hops up onto the bed to lie down on the end of the bed as I strip from my jammies which I will fold to leave on the bed for tonight. Quickly dressing, I then head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, and then place deodarant on before exiting the bathrom connected to my room. I unclip Wynter's leash, place it in my pocket in case I need it, and we exit the room to head back into the kitchen.

"Alright, let's get our morning started," mama says, and that is what we do.

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