Chapter 9

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"Fuck. You.," I lowly seethe at Amelia. "I do not want or need shit from him! Mama's insurance has paid for all of our medical costs, so, no I don't want money or for him to pay my medical bills! I just wanted to meet our dad and get to know him!"

I started off my rant in a normal tone, but by the end I'm almost yelling.

"Son, calm down, she meant nothing bad by her question," Carter says trying to calm the situation down.

"Don't call me 'son'! You lost that right the day you left mama and never had contact with us!" I growl with fire snapping in my veins.

"Kalen, you need to calm down before you have a seizure," Kolton calmly says placing his right hand on my shoulder with a gentle squeeze. "You are right, though."

"You're right, and I apologize," Carter sadly says. "Apologizing won't make up for what I did to your mom or you boys. I just want to know you boys."

"Why now?" Kolton demands with his arms now crossed over his chest.

"I had come to realize I screwed up by leaving, and not keeping you boys in my life," he admits sadly. "I love my wife and children, and I'm happy and blessed to have them in my life. I could give lame excuses as to why I didn't, but I won't degrade you and Kolton by doing that. All I'm asking and hoping is that I am given another chance? Please?"

Everyone silently stares at him as he anxiously waits for our answer, but I ask him instead; "You won't try to legally take us from mama, or our grandparents?"

Carter instantly shakes his head; "No! I just want to know you and Kolton, and develop a father to sons relationship."

Loooking over at Kolton, we have a silent conversation for several seconds before we focus on Carter again with Kolton answering for him and I; "Okay."

"Now Amelia, you need to apologize to my oldest son's," Carter demands of his wife as he focuses his attention on her with a frown.

She defiantly crosses her arms over her chest; "I won't, and you cannot make me, Carter. My questions were justified."

"If you don't apologize, I will not speak with you until you do," Henry states firmly, and surprising me and Kolton. "They didn't do anything wrong or to you, and you're acting like a child instead of an adult."

"Your threats mean nothing to me since I'm your mom, so shut up," Amelia spews at Henry.

"Amelia, that's enough!" Carter snaps. "Henry has every right to feel and say what he did about your behavior."

When it is clear that Amelia isn't going to apologize, Carter sighs as he says; "I think it is time for us to leave. I'm deeply apologize for her words and behavior. I would love to spend time without her with you two, if you would like?"

Kolton and I have another silent conversation before I softly answer Carter; "Sure, we can give this another go."

"Thank you!" Carter happily replies with a grin as his three other smile at Kolton and I as Amelia's pout deepens. "How about we have dinner at my parents restaurant 'The Blue Moon' Tuesday night at 6 p.m.? Me, you two, and the three younger kids?"

"That works," Kolton agrees for us with a tiny smile at Carter. "I'm going to drive Kal and I there."

Carter nods as he stands with the rest of his family to take care of their dirty dishes, but I tell them to leave them and that I will do this. Amelia smirks at this which makes me feel like she is making fun of me, like I'm not a guy for doing this.

"Again, I am sorry for how my wife behaved tonight," Carter apologizes, looking at nanma and granpa, and then everyone else.

Before anyone can respond, he focuses on his wife and children; "Let's go."

"I want to stay a little longer," Henry requests, but he stands to his feet as do Rachel and Ryan, who are pouting.

"Uncle Carter, I can bring them home later if no one has any objection to them staying?" Cassidy suddenly offers.

"Is this alright, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks?" Carter asks while looking between them with a netural expression.

"They are more than welcome to stay longer," granpa answers after getting a smile and a nod from nanma.

"Thank you," Carter smiles as he shoots his wife a glare when she opens her mouth to protest. "Kids, be on your best behavior."

"We will," they promise with happy grins at their dad.

I know he is mine and Kolton's dad, too, but it's hard to think of him like that when he has never acted like our dad.

Carter and Amelia leave quietly with Amelia wearing a sour expression which makes me grunt in annoyance. Everyone looks at me weirdly, but I wave them off as I stand to gather the dirty dishes to bring them into the kitchen to load into the dishwasher. Hearing a set of light footsteps approarch, I glance up from loading the dishwasher, I find Henry aprroaching with four plates and cultery in his hands.

He places these on the counter as he queitly says; "My mom isn't usually a horrible person, really. She just worries about dad's fiances, and she doesn't want to see anyone take adavantage of him."

"I get that, Henry, I really do, but I don't appreciate her accusing me of being a gold digger," I seriously tell him as I lean back against the counter while crossing my arms over my chest. "I haven't had a dad in my life, nor Kolton, and that's all Kolton and I wanted. We wanted the chance to know him, but thankfully our granpa has been the best and closest person we had to a father, and he was the best."

A sniffle catches our attention, and we find everyone listening at the entrance of the kitchen, but granpa is the one I focus on since he is the one sniffling.

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