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After basically signing my life away they brought me back to a cell, where I've been laying down in for the past hour until a police officer came unlocking cell bars, sliding it open.

"Someone posted your bail, Luna." He says stepping to the side, I got up from the hard mattress I was laying on to step out of the cell. He closed it behind me before leading me over to grab my things and allowing me to walk out the door.

As I walked out the door I looked around to see if I knew anyone who was there.

I didn't recognize any cars.

"Y/n Luna-Gutierrez... Nice to finally put a face to the name." he said walking up to me, I was very confused at this moment as he stuck his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Tony Stark, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He says giving a smug smile as he kept his hand out, I just squinted my eyes at him a bit before looking down at his hand and walking past him.

"You know, I can easily put you back into that cell." He says

I turn around.

"Your my mentor?" I ask

"Think of me as more as your lord and savior." He said walking towards his car, he had on a seemingly very expensive suit, his sunglasses and a gold watch. His hands deep in his pockets as he walked over to open his door.

"You comin' or not?" He asked getting in. I rolled my eyes walking over to his car and getting into the passenger seat.

"What do you guys want from me?" I ask after a while of silence, the only sound was cars whipping past us.

"The truth?" He says

"We don't know." He said

"You don't know?" I ask

"At least, I don't. All I know is, my orders. Mentor you, recruit you, find out what you can do."

"What I can do?" I scrunch my eyebrows

"That is what I just said." He sighed

"I'm not some type of alien superhero. I can't fly, I can't shoot lasers from my eyes, and I'm not some genius who builds machines, I'm a kid from the wrong side of town who gets caught up in gang life to try and make sure her family doesn't get hurt or separated!" I yell

"You see, the records say something different."

"What do they say?" I ask

"I have no clue."

"What do you know?!" I yell

"I know that you are loud, I know that you are not as bad as most adults may think you are, and I know that you care for your siblings so here is what we are going to do." He says finally parking the car, we were in front of my apartment.

"You are going to work your ass off in the field: every morning until mid day, make your way to class then back to compound for more training. Comprendé?" He asks

"Field?" You question

"Yep, no more bodega job. I need you where your not easily reached by your little band of hoodlums."

"Band of hoodlums?" I tease a bit

"Gang, whatever."

"I'm not in their gang."

"Really? From the paperwork at the police department it says you are more than their greatest asset." He says opening up a file and reading it. I reach for the file but he pulls it back out of my reach.

"We have a deal?" He asks sticking his hand out. I roll my eyes.

"And if I don't agree to your little to do list?" I ask scoffing, folding my arms.

"Well... let's see. You'll end up forced to stay in a cell with no free will what so ever, your brother will most likely spend the rest of his days in a prison as well, and Cesar as well as Cecilia will end up exactly like your parents: dead and a prostitute with no family." He says with complete honesty.

"I don't know your complete story, and I don't want to know... until you are ready to tell me. But— if you want what's best for Cecilia... for Cesar, you'll do this." He expresses his thoughts.

"We have a deal?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I sigh.

"Sure, yeah. I guess." I say defeated

"Great, Happy will be by to help you out with the kids-"


"He's my security, most trusted member in my team. They'll be fine with him. We'll discuss this a bit more at a later time."

"Where is he taking them-"

"Your little minions will be with me at the compound, surrounded by many agents and many other hero's. They'll be in safe hands." He reassured me.

"What do I tell Rafael?"

"Gosh, you ask so many questions. Uh, tell him the court as mandated for you to spend your sentence picking up trash— before and after school. As for the excuse for the children, explain that they have your free services for the kids. I assure you can handle the rest."

"I can't tell Raf' the truth?" I ask

"Nope, confidential. It could ruin everything we are trying to protect, and all in all... neither of you trust the feds. So what will be the gain in telling him such a thing?" He explains. He was right in a way.

"Fine." I roll my eyes once more getting out of the car.

"Oh, and one last thing." Mister Stark said grabbing my attention once more. I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to speak.

"Welcome to the team." He smiled his pearly whites before speeding off.

I sigh tiredly as I made my way up the stairs towards my apartment.

No cars in the parking lot, Danny and my mother were out. Usually when they're out at night they don't return until morning or midday at best.

I had time to actually sleep.

So that is what I did, I looked through the rooms and spotted Cesar and Rafael sleeping on their bed.

I walk back to the living area that just contained empty liquor and beer bottles, cigarettes, dirty clothes and toys, on a stained carpet.

Ceci was in her playpen, fast asleep.

My body couldn't take being awake anymore. I quickly put Ceci's playpen in the corner of the room near the couch and far from the door.

If someone were to come near her, I would know.

I lay my head closest to her playpen, finally putting my eyes and body to a much needed rest.

The couch was old, torn, and cold.

But it was better than having nothing at all. It was better than the cell.

My mind soon shut off, my eyes closed.

Just as Rafael, Cesar and Ceci, I drifted off into a much awaited state of rest.

Wrong Side of Town - Wanda Maximoff wlwWhere stories live. Discover now