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[Third Person...]

It had been a few days since Wanda officially met Ivan and Oscar.

It was not a big deal for Wanda.

But Oscar on the other hand could not get the brunette out of his mind, and not in a good way. For a hours after their meeting, Oscar decided to do a bit of investigating himself. He found himself at the bodega looking for you, only to find you weren't there. But instead, he found mister Martinez.

"Sup, viejito [old man]." He said trying to seem tough, mister Martinez did not have a good liking towards the gang members that came into his store. Although mute and unable to communicate without a pen and paper, he especially did not communicate with certain gang members. Oscar being one of them.

"Where's nena?" He more commanded than he did ask

Mister Martinez kept his head down continuing his paperwork that was on the counter. Oscar didn't like this and shoved the paperwork out of his eyesight causing mister Martinez to look up.

"I said, where is nena?" He asked again, now face to face with mister Martinez.

"ANSWER ME, OLD MAN!" He yelled angrily. Oscar also had a thing for picking on people for no good reason. But he had a reason for mister Martinez, he knew the older gentleman did not like him or his crew. So he made it his mission to make his life a living hell.

"Go. To. Hell." Mister Martinez spoke in his raspy broken down English.

Oscar smirked poking his tongue onto the side of his cheek before turning away, before he walked away he turned back around punching the older man, making him fall backwards.

"Next time you'll answer, old prick! Watch how you speak to me, I'll make sure next time to put a bullet in your fucking head." He said pulling out his gun and cocking it, pointing it at the man.

Mister Martinez stood his ground, not breaking eye contact. He dealt with kids like him back in Mexico, worse. Not some wannabes, he was one of those kids. Fighting tooth and nail down towards the dirty ground of la virgencita [Virgin Mary].

Gangs in Mexico were much worse than those here, in California. He knew better than to provoke though.

Oscar laughed before having an idea.

"You know that chick that hangs around Nena, right? Who is she?" He asked

"No se.  [i don't know]." He spoke again

Oscar knew he was lying out of his teeth, Oscar somehow knew that Mister Martinez knew the whole truth.

"You're lying. Tell me who the fuck she is." Oscar said pointing the gun a bit closer to try to scare the man.

"No se." Martínez persisted.

"Tell me who the fuck she is, or you get a fucking bullet in your head." Martinez stayed silent. He had his paperwork done, his things set in stone. He wasn't scared, he held his rosary in his hand. He just waited.

"You not scared? A'ight then, maybe i should wait for someone to come in and put a bullet into their heads, each customer that comes in here gets a bullet courtesy of you." He says pointing the gun at the door now, old mister Martinez shook his head.

"Okay! I will say, I will say!" He pleaded

"Be quick." Oscar said, looking out the window seeing people outside the shop not quite in a hurry to come inside as they were looking at things outside. A mother, daughter, and son.

"Max, si?" Martinez spoke his best English, seeing the family outside the doors.

"Yeah, that chick. I seen her before." Oscar says

"So nombre, no es Max. [Their name is not Max]. " Martinez says

"Then what the fuck is her name then?" Oscar asked getting impatient.

"... es Wanda Maximoff, un Avenger. [It's Wanda Maximoff, an Avenger]." Oscar looked at the old man as if he was crazy for a minute before allowing it all to click in.


"No sabe. [Doesn't know]." Martinez says quickly, but gently.

Oscar finally puts the safety back onto his gun putting it into his pants.

"Would you look at that, old man, you are useful for something." He smirked before walking away leaving Martinez on the floor with a bruise forming on his face. The family finally came in, the mother seeing Mister Martinez rushing over to him to help him up.

"Oh yeah, he uh... fell." Oscar said awkwardly before walking away. A smirk forming on his face as he could not wait to tell Ivan.

He waited a few hours to do so.

Iván came back to his house to see Oscar sitting on his couch.

"Compa, qué pasó? [Friend, what's wrong?]" Ivan asked his friend.

"I think there's a snake lurking around us." Oscar said

"Snake? Ah, Compa, you were never one for Hyberpole's." He smirked at his new word.

"Hyber... never mind. We need to get Nena away from that chick."

"Her girl? What's wrong with her?" Ivan asked scrunching his eyebrows as he took a beer out of the fridge to take a swig from it.

"She ain't who she says she is. She's an Avenger, an op. Bro, she working for the feds, the fucking pigs!" Oscar said getting himself more worked up by the second.

"Chill the fuck out bro, where do you get her being a fed?"

Oscar pulls out his phone to show his photo he found on Google images of Max, well, Wanda. Next to none other than the rest of the Avengers, showing as well, her brother Pietro.

Iván quickly grabbed the phone in shock.

"That's not-"

"It is."

It took Ivan a few minutes to process it all before handing the phone back with a stiff look on his face that slowly grew a smirk.

"We gotta tell, Nena."

"Nah, right now we're working against the Avengers with all our shit we've been doing with Danny, all the serums we stole. That truck that big bad Iron Man almost stole back. Nah, keep it in our back pocket."

"We can't do that. What do they even want with nena in the first place?" Oscar tried reasoning.

"Listen, pendejo. [idiot]." Ivan started. He already knew all of why they wanted you, being in the gang of your father's and now stepfathers, it was a perk.

"We let it out now, we lose leverage. Let's see where this leads, scare the poor superhero."

"How do we do that?"

"I think it's time we kicked it up a notch to try to initiate y/n." Ivan smirked, causing Oscar to smirk as well.

"Those poor idiots have no idea what's coming to them once we unleash our greatest weapon." Ivan smirked even harder if possible.

"And whats that?" Oscar asked



Uh oh.

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