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[Third Person...]

When you got to Ivan's place you knocked onto the door before opening it and letting yourself in, his place was, as always, filled with a large amount of people; the guys in his gang, their girlfriends, his siblings, and a few customers and affiliates.

"Nena!" He yells from the kitchen coming to greet you at the door before putting an arm around you and continued talking.

"I need a favor" he starts off

"I figured, being you use and abuse me." You joked with Ivan, he laughs.

"I do not! I'm just busy, come on. Do me a solid?" He asked with a smirk

"I'll give you a kiss." She winked, you visually gagged.

"Oof, I think I baby barfed." You told him, he laughed rolling his eyes shoving you a bit playfully.

"Alright, what do you want playboy?" You asked

"Uh, it's a bit more difficult than past things I've had you do... actually, it's something I can only have someone I trust do, to ensure it's done." He said, his face immediately wiped from all emotion, you knew it was serious.

"What is it?" You asked

"The high school is having a football game tonight." He said, you raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue on.

"Yeah, the homecoming game. What about it?" You asked

"Your school is going against Westridge, right? School for pricks." He asked

"Yeah..." you said hesitantly, the school he was speaking about was on the other side of town, it was much better than the school you went to. Your school was filled with future criminals, juvenile delinquents, and assholes. The students who did get good grades and played sports aspired to do more, get out of El Segundo. Hell, so did you. But you had too many responsibilities to do what they could do.

"There's gonna be some soreños there, they been tagging trying to claim shit that ain't there's." He informed you

"What do you expect me to do?" You ask, he smirks before nodding his head toward his room. You both walk through the hallway and he goes into his drawer pulling out a gun and handing it to you.

"Give em' a little warning." He said with a smirk

"Ivan, you think they'll be scared of a little wanna be Norte." You ask

"Nah, that's why I gave you that. Corner one of them, hit him a little, use some muscle, and if he says something or tries something, shoot him in the leg or something. Let him get the message." He said, he then opens his mouth to say something else.

"I'll tell you what, I'll send Marco and Raul with you, so you won't be so alone." He said walking out of his room, but you follow him.

"I don't get why Rafael couldn't do this."

"Don't make me say it, nena." He said turning around once more, his serious face was hard as stone.

"Say what?" You ask

"Don't think I don't see you talking to those puercos like it ain't nothing." He said angrily

"I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, nena. We been close since we were young, and I trust you, but I don't trust you that much." He said before turning around and walking away once more.

"When did you see me talking to them?" You ask

"Doesn't matter, one of my boys seen. This is just something to get you back in my good graces, or else those favors I do for you and your little family ain't gonna be shit. You see... what do you think those cops are gonna do when they find out about-"

"Shut up." You say quickly

"What? You still denying that truth, mamacita?" He asks before turning around and heading towards the kitchen now.

"Do this for me, and we're cool." He said shrugging

"Alright, but don't ever bring that shit up again. I mean it, Ivan." You say seriously putting the gun in the waist band of your pants pulling your shirt down.

"My lips are sealed..." he says coming closer, he grabs your cheeks smooshing them together with one hand.

"Yours better be too, if you know what's good for you." He says before pushing your face back and walking off. Whistling for his boys.

"Marco, Raul. Go with Nena to the game, she's gonna need some... looking after." He says giving you one last glance before heading back into his room. You took a deep breath before nodding towards the two men who had just gotten up from their seats, waiting for your move.

You walk out grabbing Ivan's keys, he had a few cars he'd leave on his property for when he sent people off to do things. This was one of those things.

A part of you felt like you would never get to leave his town, never get to escape this gang— not with what Ivan knows.

You hoped deep down something would happen so you could take your brothers and Ceci to leave, but now you had Wanda. Wanda had your heart no matter how badly you did not want to admit it. She had you wrapped around her finger. Ivan was now out for blood.

He was going to get it one way or another if you didn't do as he said, you had to keep those around you safe. Wanda included. When Ivan got like this, it was better to go along with what he wanted.

You had to keep her safe.


I did not proof read, but here y'all go.

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