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Later in the day I had gone to go get Cesar from school so he wouldn't think I had forgotten about him again.

"Nena!" He yells running out of the school building and tackling me in a hug. I just smile gratefully as I hug him back, before we left walking back to the bodega. He starts to tell me about his day and all he learned, and all of what he and his friends did. It was good to hear that at least my brother was having a somewhat normal childhood. It always helped to know this, it's what helps keep me going of all things.

When we get to the bodega we see Rafael looking a bit stressed as he's trying to handle a crying baby, and somewhat irritated people, who I thought were customers at first.

"I told you she isn't here-" he stops talking as he sees Cesar and I walk through the door, making them both turn towards me, the bell of the bodega rang, and I froze in my tracks, Cesar stopped a few steps ahead of me looking back at me and it was as if time was going slow from that moment to the next.

I look at the two people infront of me who were now facing me. Two men, both very stiff and pretty toned, one was dark skinned, the other pale. They were apart of S.H.E.I.L.D, I could tell from their badges that hung from their chest and pants, and now they were talking to my brother.

Rafael looked at me, then at them, before slowly putting Ceci down.

"Doll, we just want to talk.." the pale one says sticking his hands out as if to tell me to 'stand down'. The other kept a pointed look as he stared at me. Trying to figure out my next move as I was trying to figure theirs out.

"Y/n, run!" Rafa yells, I knock some stuff off the shelves to block the entrance so I could try and get them caught off guard just a bit.

I jumped fences and tried my best to keep them off my ass, but they were fast.

"Hey! Stop! We just want to talk!" The other yells trying to catch up.

I don't listen, i keep jumping fences and ducking under things trying to find a quick place to hide. I find an alleyway and made my way in there sticking my back to the wall trying to become invisible, wishing at that moment I did have a superpower.

They both ran past me, not noticing I was hiding in practically plain site. I wait a few minutes before feeling like the coast was clear and trying to make my way out when I feel something cold and metal grip my forearm and push me to a wall making me hit my head.

"Agh!" I screech

"That wouldn't have happened if you would have just listened!" The man says, he has green eyes, and short brown hair. His face was rough, and he looked tired.

"I don't speak to pigs." I snarl at him.

"I'm not a cop!" He practically barks back. I look to my side seeing the other man was blocking my only exit out of the alley. His arms were crossed and it looked like he was ready for a fight, if need be.

"Y/n Luna, you are in danger!"

"Get the fuck off of me! You don't know jack shit!" I yell pushing him off easily.

"You know what director Fury told you, and I know deep down in you, you know it's true. You need to come with us before it's too late." The other one speaks.

"Go with you?! I don't even know your names!" I yell back.

"She's got a point" the green eye'd one says, pointing at me with his hand looking towards the other. The other sighs before rubbing his eyebrow and introducing himself.

Wrong Side of Town - Wanda Maximoff wlwWhere stories live. Discover now