Chapter ~4#

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It's been roughly two months since I first arrived and found Lurk village. The locals have started to refer to me as Mec Dracous. I managed to make a modest living with various odd jobs around. Mostly working as a guard when asked by the locals. And hunting for the more bountiful income thanks to some of the rare local wildlife. Apparently the local hunters swap guard roles in order to make sure no one ends up hunting more than their share here. I managed to learn a bit more. Apparently there are stories of what these people call Shifted Ones. Brought to the world from outside in order to aid it. Though the stories tend to vary; which honestly was a bit concerning. Mostly because without proper leads I can't track anything that might help me. It also leaves me in the dark of what would happen if I was found out to be a Shifted One.

One of the more notable stories of Shifted Ones is the son of Vita. Who sacrificed himself, by letting his blood drip into the land to give it new life. And letting his red blood drip into the earth so that it was given new green life that grew unlike before. The story also goes that the same person let his blood stain the waters and that created healing potions. Though that's roughly what I was able to get and I'm a bit skeptical of those. There's also a story of the daughter of Aspectu; who was said to have been able to read the knowledge of the world; and recorded said knowledge into a tome that holds the answer to any question one can think of. That one I'm skeptical about; mostly because if such a thing did exist it's either locked away far beyond conventional reach; or it's a lie used to draw out certain individuals.

One day while I was on guard duty I was sitting in a small wooden tower looking out. I think the hardest part, when it comes to guard work. Even in this world you are trying to keep yourself awake and focused on not only yourself but your surroundings. Unlike in my previous world I couldn't go and get a cup of coffee or red bull to shock my system with caffeine. Most of the time I try to keep my mind busy by thinking of various methods of escape into the local wilderness if the need ever arises. After all life by nature and design can flip from being open and inviting to silent and deadly. Or examining the surroundings to see if there were any weak points that needed to be looked at. I was looking at the enclosed farming area thinking of such things when I noticed something. Two people, one human male and the other a beast kin woman. They seemed to be walking through the recently planted crops.

My eyes never left them as I watched them both extend their hands out. They seemed focused on something in front of them. And that's when I saw it, before their outstretched hands I saw something slowly materialize from the air and began to condense in front of them. Small balls of water slowly formed before them about the size of one's chest. Watching magic at work like that was eye catching; the way the water seemed to condense while still floating in the air before slowly forming together. The way it seemed to flow before the caster as though it was gentle and simply there.. The two began walking through the crops seeming to use the balls of water they formed to water the local plants. The way the two in question were dressed seemed a bit odd to me. Mostly because they seemed to wear ragged clothing. It wouldn't surprise me that this world has slaves; that's a constant through our history no matter where you are. Though I didn't expect to see them in a rural setting like this. Maybe they're owned by the local lord since they're using their magic to water the crops.

At the end of my guard shift I went down to the local pub. Where I had a small drink and some food. Hard to believe just a few weeks ago I was a guy running around the woods with only rags on myself. I did hear a few interesting rumors though as I sat in the pub and listened. One of the few merchants that came to visit mentioned something about a contest held in the city of Abarson. Apparently the city holds a contest every year much like a festival. The way he talked about it made it seem like a fighting tournament. Only difference is instead of an individual this one works in teams. What tempted me the most was that I might be able to learn more at the capitol. I don't assume a place with this type of setting has public libraries. But I might be able to learn a few things there. Though going there means I'm also running head first into a location I have no idea about.

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