Chapter ~ 10#

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When Whel'a finally came too she found me and Nix sitting out in the forest. I had tied Whel'a to a tree out of our own protection. It was a bit of trouble getting Whel'a out here. After tying her to the tree Nix began treating the wounds I had gotten from the fight. I tried to hide the pain I was feeling from the bruises; I honestly think I might have dislocated something but couldn't tell. After Whel'a came to, Nix got defensive.

"Wha..." Whel'a begins to say before stopping as she sees her arms tied behind her back and linked to the tree.

I remain silent for a moment as I think of what I should ask her. After all there had been no signs of her having a mental breakdown at any point. Though she might have been trying to conceal it. But then the question I needed answered comes to mind quickly.

"Who's Aly'cia?" I asked her which seemed to surprise her.

" do you know that name?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"You were screaming it during our fight..." I said as I stood in front of Whel'a.

She turned silent for a few moments. I stood there with Nix by my side as I waited for an answer. When the moment passed I finally had enough.

"Look I know you're going through some shit right..." I begin to say but stop when I hear Whel'a interrupt me.

"What do you know!" She yelled out.

"Over a century... buried alive... by one I trusted!" She continued to scream out loud.

I stood there letting her vent out the built up frustration before I had to vent out myself.

"SO WHAT ...!" I roared out to her as I looked her dead in the eyes.

"I get your going through shit I can't fully imagine. But here's a newsflash for you. So is everyone else!! Nix just learned to speak by accident because of me. She's far away from her home, having an alien as her master. I'm in a world that I honestly know can kill me as soon as I let my guard down for even a split second! I'm away from my family and friends, for reasons I don't even know!!" I continued to roar at her with all the built up rage.

Up to this point I had been keeping my own frustration suppressed. After all I was sad that I was forced into this, but I was also angry trying with all my might to survive in this fantasy world. My rant ended when I began to point out that all three of us are stuck in crappy situations and how we cant change it any more than we like.

"At the end of the day we are where we are. We can be angry, we can be sad, we can be pissed at the gods, at our parents or whoever you want. It wont change a goddamn thing! The only thing that'll change where we are is us!" Slowly I began to calm down as I had vented the bulk of my anger.

I look between Whel'a and Nix seeing they both look at me with surprise and slight fear. I paid their fear little mind as I did regret it but knew what I said needed to be said. I look back to Whel'a as I kneel down in front of her.

"You can either tell us what is going on with you so we can help, or you can leave... your call." I finally finished and looked her in the eyes.

Another moment of silence fell over us as I watched Whel'a thinking about what I said. She slowly lowered her head; I noticed silent tears begin to drip from her eyes as she seemed to be processing emotions of her own. Seeing her cry I reached back and undid the ropes around her wrists letting her free. I pulled back as I watched her cry; I remained still waiting for her to finish. After all, up to this point all three of us have just been going non-stop. Only focusing on surviving rather than living.

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