Chapter ~ 16# ~ Runner

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Noah ~ POV

I woke up with a groan as I felt my bed around my shack. Popping my head up, I look around and notice a bright light shining through the blanket on my bed. I reached down to grab my phone; when I looked at the screen, I saw it was a message from Ethan. I rubbed my eyes as I sat in bed, tossing my legs over the edge. I groan as I look down at the phone screen; swiping across the screen, I open messages. There were only two texts from Ethan; 'We need to talk'... 'Something happened to Ben' I quickly got dressed. Walking down the stairs, I see dad on the phone, probably with mom. He didn't pay much attention as I slipped through the front door. I managed to hop onto a bus that took me towards the city hall. From there, I followed the path Ethan led me on the first day we met.

Walking through the street, it was clear something was different. Fewer people were walking around; some of the stores didn't even look open. I soon notice Ethan sitting outside of Nine Tails Den. He was sitting on the curb outside of the store. At first, I thought the guy was just another random person, though when the hood fell back because of a slight breeze, I saw it was Ethan. He seemed to have his headphones in. His eyes were locked forward as he stared off into space. I gently tapped his shoulder with my hand catching his attention. I noticed a large box in a paper bag sitting between his feet. Ethan pulled one of the headphones out of his ears as he turned to look at me. Looking down at him, I couldn't help but notice he seemed different. He smiled as he stood up.

"Hey, Noah... thanks for meeting me." He said, still smiling; I had to admit I was smiling a little.

"So why'd you call me over here? You think of something to do about this whole creeper thing?" I asked as I watched him reach down and pick up the paper bag.

Written in thick bold lettering around a simple line art of a fox was the logo of Fox's Den. He lifted the bag up and held it out to me. I was a little surprised as I hesitantly took it. The bag was heavy; looking in, I couldn't help but notice a detailed design along the outer walls of the box.

"I'm not good with expressing what I feel... and... I still feel bad about blowing up at you. I know I need to work on my... emotions. And I'm hoping this conveys that I really am sorry." He said, catching my attention.

As I slowly pulled the box out, I couldn't help but silently scream. The heavy pack I was holding showed one of the cover arts for Nova War. The same mech I geeked out when I first saw it on display. I looked between Ethan and the figure, wanting to tell him how much this meant to me. Though the flood of emotions I felt kept my mouth open but wouldn't allow me to say anything. Ethan stood there smiling down at me as he already knew what this meant to me. Ethan stepped aside as he motioned me down the sidewalk.

"Thank you," I say as I set the bag carrying the figure down in an empty seat next to me.

"How did you pay for it?" I was a little curious when I remembered when I saw it in the display case that it was a little expensive.

Ethan chuckled as he sipped at a cup of water.

"I sold my old electric bike to Rebecca. I told her it was an emergency...." He said as it became clear to me now.

I couldn't stop smiling as we walked up to one of the only few restaurants left open, The Garden.

"Well, I hope you didn't leave anything important on your old bike." I joke as I reach over and grab a menu.

"Nope, I cleared everything I...." He said before stopping part way through his sentence.

"Ethan, you ok?" Seeing him like this was a little weird.

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