Chapter ~ 9#

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When we returned back to Lurc; me and Nix talked amongst ourselves. I was hesitant to bring Whel'a into town. Mostly because bringing an undead into town would cause a massive panic if she was found out.

"Since there's no official Mosque here, I don't think there will be any problem." Nix said as she looked from me to Whel'a.

I guess Mosque's are important in this world as well. But still I was curious about one thing.

"Should I report her to the lord?" I asked Nix as I looked at Whel'a who seemed to only be looking at Lurc.

Given that she was buried for so long I guess seeing the world change would be a shock.

"True... thought I'm unsure what he'll say..." Nix said thinking out loud.

"I'll go in and speak with him first... Nix can you keep an eye on her?" I asked as I noticed her glance to Whel'a for a moment in thought.

I mostly kept to myself during the walk to the lord's house, waving to a few of the townspeople as I walked past. When I arrived at the lord's house he greeted me at the front door. We spoke rather frankly about how Nix and I came to find Whel'a. When I asked him about the Me'cus tongue he mentioned that it's considered a dead tongue these days. Mostly known to those studying history; apparently the old kingdom that used to sit between the oligarchy and theocracy was a large mystery to 'modern' people. When I brought up Whel'a and her being from a nearby town Gryff seemed to grow concerned the same as me.

He leaned back in his seat, seeming to be in thought. His eyes looked off to the side as though he was trying to visualize something. I remained quiet as I also thought about a few things. It was unavoidable that Gryff would find out that I knew Me'cus, but what concerned me is that I knew that language without even studying it. Whatever this world; these gods are doing I can't help but feel is changing me. Being able to fight with a sword and shield even though I've never held them before. Being able to speak a language I've never known I could, being able to see things others can't. Surely this world is turning me into something that's not me. After a short silence Gryff began to speak again.

"A remnant of all things... and you say there's two...?" He asked, sounding worried which was understandable.

I simply nodded my head yes as my answer.

"Are remnants rare?" I asked curious as I knew they were a monster but curious of how they're viewed in this world.

"There are stories... some say that a small few of the elite are ones... there are also some religious tales as well... Such as the goddess Larethian bringing back a devoted follower. Though between you and me I can't help but feel some of these stories are... fanned." Gryff said as he shifted in his seat; in the end he allowed Whel'a into the town; under the condition that either me or Nix keep a close eye on her at all times.

I agreed to the condition; after all, leaving a second undead out in the wild while the first one is still roaming around is just waiting for an explosive to go off. There was also the condition of my reports having been updated weekly now. I didn't complain after all. It gave me an excuse to speak with Gryff. And during normal conversation he's rather interesting to talk to. After confirming that everything was ok with Whel'a being allowed into the city I went back to the location where her and Nix had stayed. I found them seeming to try and form a rough way of communication. Though that's a rough guess, they seem to be growling and making various animal noises at each other.

When they noticed I returned I saw Nix blush a little. And Whel'a looked at me, though her look seem to be more judgmental than before where it was harsh and cold. I spoke to Whel'a about her being allowed into the town along with the conditions that were discussed. She reluctantly agreed; I then said the same thing to Nix who nodded in understanding. Walking through town we stopped by the general store; much like before to mostly get Whel'a some proper clothes. After all, she can only wear the sleeping blanket for so long. She ended up picking some femine clothing and quickly changed. As she changed I spoke with Nix; mostly curious what she and Whel'a were speaking about while I was gone. Her face blushed quickly as she seemed to stutter over her words.

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