Chapter ~ 11

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"Hello there." The woman said with a smile as watched us.

I was surprised by her tone of voice and expression as well as her speaking in common. She seemed happy to see us at first.

"Are you two from the front lines? How is the war going?" She asked as she stepped forward clasping her hands together.

When she took a step towards us I instinctively raised my shield. This seemed to surprise her as well. She stepped back and lowered herself into a curtsy.

"Please forgive me... I haven't heard any news and I'm worried for my father." She said from her curtsy before slowly rising up and looking at us with a smile.

Again I'm speechless as I'm stuck there trying to think of something to do or say.

"Sorry my lady... we were... sent to speak with Sir Ge'us." Nix said covering for us as she gave a smile to the young woman.

"Oh I'm afraid you just missed him... he said he was going out to hunt for dinner tonight. You're more then welcome to stay until he returns." She offers again with what seems like a genuine smile.

I glance at Nix as she does the same to me. Both of us are trying to see what to do next. Until a thought came to mind.

"Pardon my rudeness... are you lady Aly'cia by any chance?" I asked her, seeming curious of her answer and slowly figuring out what was going on here.

"Aly'cia Mek'see future duchess to the Mek'see estate at your service." When she spoke her name a big red flag went up in my mind.

I was wrong... Whel'a isn't here; what idiot would keep two lovers together under the same roof. Ge'us must be keeping Whel'a somewhere else; and that means both me and Nix are in deep shit. I look to Aly'cia as my mind raced with thoughts and plans of what to do. We were supposed to find Wehl'a and get back to town... but now we have the reason why those two monsters are fighting in the first place right in front of us. I mentally cursed at myself at the first plan that formed in my head.

"Lady Aly'cia... we actually have some... information that may disturb you." I said as I looked her in the eyes.

"We believe... Ge'us to be a... trader." I spoke with slight hesitation as I looked at Aly'cia.

There was a moment of silence as I waited for the information to sink in. I then watched as she raised a hand up. Her fingers outstretched as she pointed them towards us. Acting on instinct I tackle Nix to the floor just as a torrent of fire shot past up and crashed through a nearby window. The stones that made up the walls now charred and black from the fire as we slowly rose up.

"To think that insergents would be stupid enough to try and decive me." She said in rage as I watched her prepare another fireball.

"Wait wait... We can prove we're not trying to trick you!" I screamed out as I raised up my shield trying to protect the both of us.

I didn't realize at the time I had shouted to her in Me'cus tongue.

"How... how do you know that tongue?" She asked, seeming surprised and still angry.

Seeing as tricking her was and still is a bad idea I began telling her the truth. She doubted me and said there was a way to test my claims of being a shifted one.

"Show me your records." I swiped my hand down bringing out my records like I did with Elva before.

I watched as Aly'cia stepped forward towards the small screen that displayed my records. I witnessed as she leaned close to the screen and gently whispered something to it. The screen seemed to deform a little between us as the records that were displayed changed showing something else. It now displayed the three scores that I first saw on my arm with my records. It also displayed names. I only knew one name that I could remember. Though from the look on Aly'cia's face the fact I had two of these names was strange. I kept my knowledge about one of the names quiet as I waited to see how Aly'cia would react.

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