Chapter ~ 3#

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Gotta say... killing the monster is easier than transporting it. At first some of the others thought about just cutting it up then and there. But that would only make it easier for bugs to get to meat and such. We ended up making a simple wooden sled that we could take turns pulling. Luckily there were some thin trees nearby that were flexible enough to bend but not break under the monster's weight. I ended up mostly walking alongside the others because they refused to let me help. Apparently they thought the thumb sized wound on my arm would make it harder for me to work. Granted they aren't wrong, but on the opposing side I could always use healing touch. Though my thoughts about the possible views of magic quickly came to mind and I pushed the idea of healing myself in public away.

Took us the rest of the day to get back to town. Luckily once we got back some of the locals helped in moving the beast. To say we were the talk of the town wasn't an exaggeration. Apparently some of the other hunting parties came back with their own catches though most of them came back with broken limbs or injured. Though I got injured, I couldn't say I won. When the reward was handed out the members of the party that joined me each received five gold coins. The town celebrated that night with a little party. The local lord allowed some of the hunters to keep one of the meat from the monsters they caught. He only wanted the furs of the monsters in question. Made me curious what was up with him though I honestly didn't worry too much about it.

I sat alone on the edge of a small stone wall outside of the party. The arm that had been gouged open was currently wrapped in a bandage almost like a cast. With a local medical concoction soaked were rags placed against the wound under the cast. I sat there smiling as I enjoyed the music and watching others cheer for the food. Have to say the monster meat tasted pretty good compared to its appearance. You'd expect the meat to be tough and chewy since it came from a more muscle focused animal. But the way the villagers prepared the meat made it soft. The flavor was the kicker, they placed some of the fruit from the trees before on top of the meat.

The open fire burnt away the juice of the meat while the juice from the fruit sank down. I might stay in this village if things keep going like this. Realistically speaking I probably would stay here. I mean if I think about it, I'm in a world that took most of what I've known and turned it around on its head. I'm alive up to this point because I went back to basics of survival. Monsters I've never heard of or seen before. Types of plants that seem alien to me. And fantasy races that most people dream about every night. I mean who hasn't thought of meeting a hot elf, boy or girl. Then there's the fact that how I came here is a complete X factor and unknown. If there are gods in play then what can a simple human offer them? Besides if gods are a thing in this world it's a fifty fifty shot that they're either good or evil. Or downright crazy and should be avoided at all costs.

I was soon pulled from my thoughts when I noticed someone sitting next to me out of my peripheral vision. Looking over I saw it was the female hunter I spoke with before the trip. She held out a small cup for me with a smile. I took it and took a small sip before placing it down on the wall beside me. I then felt something tap against my leg. When I looked over I saw it was a coon pouch. It then struck me as the deal we made in the beginning. I did say I would take her share of the reward.

"Go on... you proved me wrong." She said before taking a shot of her own drink.

I reached into the bag with my good arm and pulled out one gold coin. I looked it over before turning to look at her. I held the single coin up between my fingers.

"There... we're right now." I said before slipping the coin back into my pouch.

She gave me a surprised and questioning look. Before she said anything else I told her my method of thought.

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