Chapter 1

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"Buckyyyyyy pleaseeeeee," you say as you follow Bucky into his room. Bucky chuckles and shakes his head. "Y/n, I'm not gonna pretend to be your boyfriend so your family doesn't think you're single."

"Please Bucky. You don't understand. My mom is gonna set me up with her gross old friends. Bucky, I need you," you say. Bucky looks at you with soft eyes. "I'll owe you," you add. After a moment, he nods. "Alright, when should I pack?"

"Probably right now. We leave tomorrow morning and we'll be gone for a week," you say with a smile. Bucky sighs.


You and Bucky arrive at your beach house the next day. Your parents car, brothers car, sisters car, aunt and uncles car, cousins cars, and grandparents cars are already here.

"Holy shit," Bucky says as he parks. "Don't worry, we don't have to hang out with them for very long," you say. "Hopefully."

You and Bucky get out of the car. He grabs his bag and your bag. "I can carry my bag," you say. Bucky smiles at you and says, "If we are pretending to date, then I'll play the part the best I can."

The minute you open the door, a small child screams and runs up to hug you. "Auntie!" She screams as you walk in and she wraps herself around your leg. Bucky follows in behind you and everyone goes silent.

"Y/n, there's a large, attractive, young man behind you," your grandmother says.

I don't know about young.

"Mom, be nice!" Your mom says. "She's only speaking the truth," your other grandmother says.

"Ma, really?" Your dad asks.

They all start arguing again. "He's my boyfriend," you say. They all fall silent again.

"Hi," Bucky says awkwardly.

"Oh thank the lord!" Your mom yells.

You step closer to Bucky as your family runs over to introduce themselves to Bucky. He's polite to them and shakes each of their hands.

"Y/n, why don't you and Bucky go get settled in your room?" Your dad suggests as he peels his mom off of Bucky. You both mouth thank you to him. He smiles.

You lead Bucky to your room and close the door behind you. You let out a soft sigh. "I was not excepting that when I signed up to be your fake boyfriend," Bucky whispers.

"Why are you whispering?" You ask. Bucky shrugs, "I don't know who's listening anymore."

You giggle and flop down on the bed. Bucky lays down next to you. "Are we gonna have to kiss in front of your family?" Bucky asks.

You feel your face grow hot at the thought. "I uh— I don't think so," you say. "Why?"

"I just didn't know if we had to practice or not," Bucky smirks. You look at him with a flushed face. He chuckles.

"Didn't mean to embarrass you doll," Bucky says as he softly rubs your back.

There's a knock at the door, "Y/n! Sweetheart come downstairs to hang out with us. You and Bucky can get it on later," your grandma says.

"Mom!" Your mom yells.

"What?" Your grandma asks.

"Leave the pour love birds alone. Let them have some time to themselves," your dad says. You groan and lay your head down on the bed. Bucky softly chuckles. "Let's go before my nana breaks the door down," you say and get up.

Bucky follows you as you open the door. Your mom, dad, and nana stand there with a smile. Bucky grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours as you walk down the stairs and outside where the rest of your family is.

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