Chapter 2

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"So... I'll sleep on the floor," Bucky awkwardly says.

"You don't think the bed is big enough for us?" You ask. Bucky looks at you with a smile, "I didn't know if you were uncomfortable with sharing."

"Did you not see how big my family was? I'm so use to sharing a bed, that it feels weird when I don't share one with someone," you joke.

Bucky chuckles as he gets under the covers with you. "Goodnight Bucky," you say and roll on your side so your back is facing him. "Goodnight doll."


"Bucky, it's me, y/n y/l/n," you calmly say. Bucky stares blankly at you. His metal arm clasped tightly around your throat as he stares at you. No expression showing in his face.

This isn't the first time you've dealt with someone having PTSD. Your dad use to have episodes like the one Bucky is having right now.

You remember hearing your mom screaming for help one night when you were thirteen years old. You and your older brother and younger sister ran into the room. Your father was sitting on top of your mom, choking the life out of her while she was hitting him. Your brother pulled your dad off, while you and your sister tended to your mom.

After that, you all had to attend this meeting thing about how to deal with PTSD episodes. Luckily, you remember a few things.

"Bucky, it's okay. Just try to think," you say. One major rule is to not fight back. If you were to try and fight him, that would only cause him to grab your throat tighter.

"Breath Bucky," you say and repeat his name over and over to try and get him to realize who he is.

"Your my mission," he says in Russian.

"No, I'm y/n. I'm your friend," you say. Bucky grip around your throat loosens. He gasps and rolls off of you and gets off the bed and away from you.

You take a deep breath and avoid touching your throat so Bucky doesn't feel more guilt. You look over at him. He's looking down at the floor. Slowly, you stand up and walk over to him.

"Y/n don't," he quietly says. You continue to walk over to him. "Hey, look at me," you say. Bucky slowly looks up at you.

"It's okay. I'm okay," you softly say. Bucky looks at your throat and sees red spots on your skin. "I hurt you," his voice cracks.

You slowly wrap your arms around his neck and hug him. "It's okay. I'm okay," you repeat.

Bucky pulls you away. "Y/n I hurt you," he says.

"You could've hurt me a lot more. Your hand was around my neck, but you weren't applying as much pressure as you could've," you say.

You hug Bucky again and this time he doesn't push you away. "Let's just try to go to sleep again. It's three in the morning and I'm tired," you say.

Bucky softly rubs your back. "Okay doll," he says.


"Morning dad," you say as you walk into the kitchen. "Morning sweetheart. How'd you two sleep?" Your dad ask.

"Good," you say as you grab two mugs to fill with coffee. You pass one to Bucky and fill it with coffee for him. "Thank you," he says.

"How'd you sleep dad?" You ask.

"I slept good," he says. He smiles at you two before he notices red spots on your neck. His smile fades as his gaze turns to Bucky.

"You okay dad?" You ask.

"What the fuck did you do to my daughter?" You dad asks as he starts walking towards him. You wrap your arms around your dad and lead him out of the room before he can get to Bucky.

"What the fuck did you do!?" He yells.

"Dad calm down!" You yell as you push him outside. "Did he do this to you?" Your dad asks.

"No!" You say. Your dad looks at you. "He has PTSD episodes like you dad," you softly say.

"You really expect me to believe that?" He asks.

"The winter soldier," you say. He looks at you confused. "You know who the winter soldier is," you say.

"You're dating the winter soldier?" Your dad asks. You shake your head. "No I'm not dating the winter soldier. I'm dating James Bucky Barnes. There's a huge difference," you say.

Your dad looks at you for a moment. "Didn't know you were into grandpas," he says. You giggle, "Well mom always set me up with your guys' friends."

He chuckles and wraps his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk back inside. He looks at Bucky for a moment. His eyes have a hint of anger in them, before he walks away.

You walk over to Bucky after your dad leaves and softly frame the side of his face with your hand. He nuzzles his face into your hand more.

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