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"You look beautiful," Leanna says as she stands behind you with both of her hands on your shoulders. "She's right y/n. You look absolutely beautiful," your mom says.

"Yea and if Bucky doesn't cry, I'll go up there and pinch him till he cry's," nana says. Nat chuckles. "Can you be my nana too?" She asks.

"Of course dear," nana says.

"Alright, enough chit chat. We have a wedding that's about to start," Wanda claps her hands.

Bucky and Steve stand at the end of the aisle. Both wearing suits. "You nervous?" Steve asks. Bucky let's out a low whistle. "Yea I am," he says. "What if we get divorced?"

"Hey. You love her and she loves you. You guys were made for each other," Steve says.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A little girl yells as she runs up to Bucky. He bends down to pick her up. "Hi princess. What are you doing out here?" He asks.

"I wanted to see you. Mommy looks soooo pretty. You should come see her," she says. Bucky chuckles as he kisses her cheek. "I'll see her soon," he says.

Nat walks over to them. "Sorry Bucky. I turned around for one second and she disappeared," she says as she takes the girl from Bucky. "It's okay. I don't mind seeing my little girl. Becca, why don't you go with auntie Nat and find mommy?" Bucky suggests.

"Okay," she says and let's Nat carry her back to you.

After you and Bucky became official, you ended up getting pregnant quickly because some super soldier didn't think he could still get you pregnant. So you ended up pregnant.

Then four years later, he finally got down on one knee and proposed to you. You thought about saying no as a joke, but couldn't bear to see his eyes filled with sadness. So you did yes.

"Are you ready y/n?" Your mom asks. You stand up in your wedding dress and nod.

Your bridesmaids and Bucky's groomsmen start walking. Your dad holds out his arm and you take it.

Your daughter skips down the aisle, spreading flower petals everywhere. "You ready?" Your dad asks. You nod and start walking down the aisle.

Bucky smiles when he sees you. Tears brim in his eyes and your nana sighs with relief that she doesn't have to pinch him.

Once you reach Bucky, your dad kisses your cheek and hands your hand to Bucky's. Your daughter walks over to your dad once he sits down and she sits in his lap.

The ceremony went on and on. You and Bucky were both bored, and tuned out David, who volunteered to officiate your wedding. "The couple will now say there prepared vows," David says.

"We didn't prepare our vows," you whisper. David sighs. "Why do I always do this? Just wing it. Bucky you go first," he says.

Bucky sighs deeply. "Uh. Y/n I never thought I'd be here. Standing across from you. I never thought you'd fall for me the same way I fell for you. We started out as friends. Then we became best friends. Except I was in love with you. I was in love with my best friend. A part of my hoped you would want to be more, but I didn't ask you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But everyday was torture for me. Seeing you and hanging out with you, while knowing I couldn't kiss you. We would watch movies on the couch together and you would always fall asleep on me. I didn't know how to act. I just knew I didn't want to wake you up. I wanted to be with you so badly that I soaked up every moment with you.

"Then you asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend so your mom wouldn't set you up with her friends, and I agreed. You thought I only agreed because you said you owed me. That's not true. I said yes because I thought that it'd be the closest thing I could get to being with you. And now, because of it, I get to marry the love of my life. Doll, you are my life and I'll spend the rest of eternity loving you," Bucky says.

"Holy shit that was... wow," David says as he wipes his eyes. You giggle as you look at Bucky and wipe your tears away. "Y/n, your turn," David says.

"I always thought I'd be single forever. Every guy didn't seem right for me. I never clicked well with any of them. My family was set on finding me someone handsome and rich, but in reality, I just always wanted someone who made me laugh and feel safe. And you being hot was a bonus. I just wanted someone that I could see myself growing old with. Someone who gets the jokes I make and likes the movies and food I like. I never thought that someone would be my best friend.

"At first you didn't seem like anything more than a friend to me. Everything I felt for you was platonic. Then Sam of all people pointed something out. He said, and I quote, 'you and I are friends, but you don't see me cuddling with you on the couch. Or sharing my beer with you.' After that little chat with Sam I thought that maybe what you and I had was more. So I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a week to see if it would go somewhere and the rest is history. Bucky Barnes, you are the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The only man I want to hold me and kiss me. The only man I want to be the father of my children. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you the way you love me," you say.

"Holy fucking shit," David's voice cracks."Bucky, do you take y/n to be your wife? In sickness and health, till death do you part?" He strains.

"I do," Bucky says with watery eyes.

"Y/n same thing," David says.

"I do," you say.

"By the power invested in me, and youcandoweddingstoo.com, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please kiss your bride," David chokes out.

Bucky cups the sides of your face as his lips make contact with yours. The sound of people clapping forces you two to break away. Bucky presses his forehead against yours as he smiles widely.

You take his hand in yours and walk down the aisle. Both of you ready to start your life as husband and wife.

~The end~

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this story. I love you all and you means I much to me even though I've never met you. I'm just affectionate that way.

Feel free to check out my other stories it you want. Not to brag, but they're pretty good. Have a good day besties. Hope I see you in the comments on my other stories. <3

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