Chapter 4

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The next day, you went into town with your brother and sister. They only argued a few times. You stayed out of the arguments. David helped Leanna pick out a shirt and he picked a scarf out for you. You even think you saw him check a guy out, but you're not sure and you don't wanna ask him and embarrass him.

When you're driving back, Leanna decides to tell you guys something. "I'm pregnant," she says. "Congratulations," David says.

"Don't congratulate me," she says and looks down. You look at her before looking back at the road. "Why not?" You ask.

"It's not my husbands child," she says. You and David fall silent.

"You're a whore," David finally says. You try not to laugh, but a small giggle escapes. "It's nothing funny you guys," Leanna says.

"It kinda is. You have a nice husband, but you decided to cheat. And karma got you good for it," you say. Leannas eyes weld with tears as she stares out the window.

"Oh my god. Don't fucking cry about this. This is your fault and you're gonna tell everyone. You're gonna tell Winston because he deserves to know. You're gonna tell mom and dad and nana and grandma and grandpa and papa. You're gonna tell the whole family," you say.

"I know. I'll tell them," she says.


Bucky spent the first couple hours of the day fishing with the male side of your family. He's even on first name bases with them and was told embarrassing stories about you that he will no doubt, bring up in the future.

A thought that keeps returning to his mind is what you're going to tell your family after the trip ends. He only agreed to pretend date you for this trip. There's no way the two of you would be able to fake date after this. The truth would get out sooner or later when you two wouldn't get married.

Not that I wouldn't mind marrying her— dammit buck! Snap outta it. This isn't real. Your feelings for her are fake, just like this relationship. Ignore it.

"Well Bucky, how'd you like fishing today?" Bob, who Bucky learned is your dads dad, asks.

"It was good. I had a good time," Bucky says.

"I bet you're just dying to get back to see y/n," your uncle, Arnold says.

"That feeling doesn't go away," your other grandpa, Vincent, says. "I've been married for almost fifty years now and I still miss my wife when I'm away long enough." He says. Bucky smiles softly. He does miss you.


When they arrive back at the house, Bucky greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "You don't have to be shy. Kiss her on the lips boy," Vincent says.

Bucky's face grows hot at the thought. "Grandpa! Leave us alone," you say. Quick thinking. "I have to tell you something," you say to Bucky.

"What's up?" Bucky asks. You take his hand in yours and lead him to your room. Once you close the door, the secret leaves your lips. "Leannas pregnant with another mans child."

"Holy shit," Bucky says. You nod in agreement. "I always kinda saw it coming to be honest. She was always the sluttiest," you say. Bucky chuckles as he shrugs out of his flannel and takes his gloves off. He walks to the bathroom to wash his hands and get the fish smell off of them.

"You don't have to wear your jacket and gloves you know," you say as you follow Bucky into the bathroom. He looks at you in the mirror. "I'm not worried about the adults, I just don't wanna scare your nieces and nephews," Bucky shrugs.

"Ahh, screw them. They'll have to learn not to stare sooner or later," you say.

"Doll, what are you gonna tell your family once the trip is over?" Bucky asks.

"What d'you mean?" You ask. Bucky sighs as he turns the facet off. "We're fake dating. Sooner or later the truth will get out," He says.

"I'll just wait a few months and then tell them we broke up," you say.

"How d'you think they'll react?" Bucky asks.

"My mom will cry, my grandmas will cry. So will my aunt, and possibly my sister," you say. Bucky chuckles as he turns around and pulls you in for a hug.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Just... trying to get in character," Bucky says.

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