Chapter 9

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Bucky sets your bag down before walking over to you. He takes ahold of your face in his hands before kissing you.

You let out a humph as your lips move in sync with his. Electricity prickled through your skin. His lips were softer than you imagined. Like the softest blanket you could find. His arms around you made you feel safe, cozy. Just like when it's raining and you wrap yourself in a blanket to keep warm and feel safe. Except this was better. So much better.

His tongue entered your mouth and touched yours. The feeling coursing through you was immaculate. Your hands started to take his shirt off and he lifted his arms up to make it easier. He took off your shirt and reattached his lips to yours.

Tilting his head, he started pressing kisses to your neck. Your fingers wove in his hair. His hands gripped your waist tightly. His right thumb went under the wire of your bra.

Just as your hands went to unbutton his pants, the door opened and your grandma walked in. "Nana! Knock!" You yell with a flushed face. She smirks at you two. "Sorry I just wanted to tell you we're leaving," she says.

"We'll be down in a second," you say irritated. She stays in your doorway for a bit, looking at Bucky. "Stop staring," you say. She puts her hands up in defense before closing the door.

You turn around to look at Bucky. He kisses you again. You softly moan into his mouth. "Don't do that," he warns. You smirk at him. "Do what?" You ask innocently.

"You know what," he whispers lowly. He bends down to pick up your and his shirt and you slap his ass. He looks at you with an arched eyebrow. "I saw an opportunity and took it," you shrug.

"Arms up," Bucky says while shaking his head. You obey and lift your arms above your head. Bucky leans down and kisses your chest before slipping your shirt over you.

He puts his shirt on next and takes your hand in his before walking down to say goodbye to your grandparents.

Your grandpa Bob walks over to hug you and Bucky. "I hope to see you at the next vacation Bucky," he says. You feel your face drop a bit.

"Wouldn't miss it," Bucky smiles, he squeezes your hand in his. "Or maybe I'll see you at the wedding," your grandpa says.

"What wedding papa?" You ask. Bob chuckles as he pats Bucky's shoulder. "Your guys' wedding of course," he says before walking away. Your grandma walks over to you. "Ignore him. You two have all the time in the world to get married," she says.

You and Bucky awkwardly chuckle. She hugs both of you, giving Bucky a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

Bucky wraps an arm around you. "We should hit the road buck," you say. He nods in agreement. "Let me go get your bag," he presses a kiss to your lips before walking up the stairs. You smile as you watch him walk away.

"Well, well, well," David says as he walks over to you. "You and Bucky bear finally seal the deal?" He asks. You nod with a smile.

"Fuck finally!" David say loudly. Your dad walks over. "What?" He asks.

"Y/n's pregnant," David says quickly. Your eyes widen and so does his. "I'm sorry," he says to you. Your dad looks at you.

"I'm not pregnant dad. David is just-"

"No you are pregnant," David says. Bucky walks down the stairs. "You got my y/n pregnant?" Your dad asks Bucky.

"What?" Bucky asks. You walk over to Bucky and wrap your arm around his waist. "Hey dad remember how Leanna slept with another guy and is pregnant? Why don't you go lecture her about that?" You suggest.

Your dad mumbles something before walking away. You look over at David. "I'm going to kill you," you say.

"Have a safe trip. I love you guys," David says before running away. Bucky looks at you confused.

"I'll explain in the car. Let's go home," you say. He smiles and kisses you. "Where we have no interruptions," he says.

"We have Sam," you say.

"I'll kill him if he interrupts us," Bucky says. You take his hand in yours and lead him out of the house and to the car.

"Shouldn't we say goodbye to your family?" He asks. You turn back to the house and hear shouting. "No. I'm not going into a lions den. We said goodbye to David. That's enough," you say.

Bucky smiles. You get in the car and he takes ahold of your hand in his as he drives home.

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