Chapter 6

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"Hey David, can I talk to you?" You ask. David looks at you and nods. He follows you into your dads office. You lock the door and close the blinds.

"David, you know you can tell me anything, right?" You ask. David shrugs. "I won't judge you. Unless it's murder or something," you say.

David shift uncomfortably. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but are you gay?" You asks.

A small tear escapes his eye and falls down his cheek. "Hey, why are you crying?" You ask.

"They'll never accept me. I'll be seen as a disease," David says. You feel your heart shatter and pull David in for a hug. "I accept you. You're not a disease," you say.

David squeezes you tightly. "I'm not actually dating Bucky," you say. He pulls away from you. "What?" He asks.

"I'm not actually dating Bucky. I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend so mom wouldn't try to set me up with her friends. Bucky's just my friend who I now owe," you say.

"Well, you two should've been actors instead of avengers then," David says. You furrow your brows in confusion. "Why?"

"Because you guys can sell the act of a couple. You two have more chemistry than Damon and Elena. That's saying something. You sure there's nothing going on between you two?" David asks.

"I'm sure, David."

"You guys have shared a bed for 4 nights. How many times did you wake up cuddling?" He asks.

"Well— uh— there's that time where," you say and see David arch an eyebrow at you. "4 nights," you quietly say.

"Mmmmm. Someone's in love," David sings. You gasp, "I'm not in love."

"Yea sure. That's what Elena said about Damon. Everyone knew the truth. Even Damon," David says as he leaves your dads office.

"I'm not in love. I'm not in love," you quietly whisper.

"What'd you say doll?" You turn around and see Bucky. "Nothing Bucky," you rush. He looks at you suspiciously before holding his hand out.

You take his hand and he pulls you into him. Softly, he presses a kiss to the top of your nose. You feel your face grow hot and your heart starts beating faster. You turn your head to the right and see David smirking at you and Bucky. Which of course, embarrasses you more.

"You alright, doll?" Bucky asks.

"Think I'm just umm— PMSing," you quickly say hoping Bucky will go away.

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you need anything?" He asks.

Fuck you for being so perfect.

"No I'll be okay," you say. Bucky nods, "okay, well, if you need anything, just tell me, doll."

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