Family Dinner Part 1

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Clara ' s P.O.V
River said we should go out and eat. I've never really been a fan of family dinner ' s. I think it was because whenever we went out my parents would end up fighting. Well... adoptive parents. And the last time we went out together. The - they died. So yeah. Lets see where this goes. The Doctor didn't want any normal place to go. I was expecting dinner of Earth. But River and The Doctor had other plans. "So are you going to atleast tell me the planet?" I asked. The Doctor took like two minutes to reply. "Hello?" I say again. "No. Clara. You wouldn't even know the planet. So it's pointless to tell you." I reply, "So if I won't know, then how is the surprise important? " I shoot back. "Good point Clara." River takes my side. "Well River doesn't know either. So dont get excited." The Doctor said and smirked at us. "Fine I give-" River interrupts. "We're not going to Fuiritopter! ? Sweety. I love that place. Why can't we go there!?" The Doctor sighs. "There is a new place. Just opened up. Now you two shut up. We're here." He opened the doors. And it was stunning.
Sorry this is so short. I decided to make it a few parts. I'm writing this bored in class. But now I have to go to my next class. So this is what you guys-gals-guls get for now. Love you bye.
Definition of Guls- The words guys and gals together. For non binary, genderfluid, bigender, etc.....
Definition of Fuiritopter- A random name I came up with for a planet.

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