Stupid Tin Cans

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Clara's P.O.V.

Everything is black. I can't see anything. I can't move either. What is going on?!

The Doctor's P.O.V.

Clara and Donna ran off and then there was a crash heard. I started to panic, Clara and Donna ran off in the direction of the crash. I looked at everyone fighting off Daleks, and I wanted to scream. I looked at River and she nodded, I then ran off. "Clara? Donna? Where are you?" I yell as I ran down the hall. I tried to up a door but I couldn't. Something was blocking it. They have to be in there, this is the only door left to check. River then showed up and used a laser to get in. I smiled at her and she just smirked back. We walked in to find Clara and Donna on the floor. Clara was bleeding from her head and has a broken arm and leg, nothing really happened to Donna, just a broken arm. They were both out cold, I tried to wake them, but no use. "Doctor we need to get them out of here" River yelled. I picked up Clara as River pulled Donna. Why are the Daleks here anyway? There's nothing here for them, unless it's Donna! "River, they're after Donna!" I shouted making her glare at me. "Well then sweetie, we need to run" she said calmly. I nodded and run out of the room with my daughter in my arms. We both ran to the Tardis as fast as we could. When we were like five feet away, we were stopped by Jack. "I'm coming with" he said. I nodded and we all climbed into the Tardis. We put Clara in her room and then put Donna in her old room. After we put Donna on the bed she mumbled "stupid trash cans" I chuckled and walked out of the room. Jack, River and I all sat around doing nothing waiting. But they didn't wake up, so that's when I started to worry. What happened in that room? Why are the Daleks after Donna?

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