River or Mum?

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*After Clara passes out*

River's P.O.V.

The Doctor came and got me for some reason. When we landed somewhere he ran out the doors. I followed of course. I stood there remembering bringing my little girl here. Oh Clara.

"CLARA!" I hear the Doctor yell inside.

I then ran inside and saw him holding a girl. He was trying to wake her up.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Clara won't wake up, I'm taking her to the Tardis. Can you write a note for her saying that I came and got her?" he asked picking up the girl.

I nodded and he left. I found some paper and a pen and wrote down a note. I put the note down and ran out to the Tardis. I found the Doctor standing over Clara with a worrried look on his face. I sighed and stood next to him.

"Go start the Tardis, I'll watch her" I said.

He nodded and left. I sat down next to Clara.  

"Clara. Clara it's me your mummy, sweetie please wake up" I said holding her hand.

Clara's P.O.V.


The Doctor smiled weakly at the four year old me. "I'm sorry Clara, but I can't take care of you anymore" he said. I must have been crying because he picked me up and hugged me. "I know Clara, I know you don't want to leave Daddy, but you have too" he said. He put me down and did something to my memories and my body. I was a leaf. "I'm sorry Clara, I will come look for you, I love you Clara" he said letting me go.

*End of dream*

I opened my eyes and saw the woman from my last dream.

"River?" I asked.

She smiled weakly and nodded.

"Why am I having those dreams? You must know" I ask.

"Yes I do, it's your memories coming back to you sweeite" she says.

"Memories? Of me being yours and the Doctor's daughter?" I questioned.

"Yes, and you are my daughter, oh Clara I am sorry I left you and the Doctor" she said sadly.

"It's fine mum?" I said but it came out as a question.

The Doctor wlked in and smiled at me.

"Clara your alright, now what do you remember?" he asked.

"Hearing the Tardis, then everything went black" I said leaving the dream out.

"Oh, why would you pass out?" he questioned.

I shrugged and looked at River. She's my mother? Or is she lying to me? If she is my mother then the Doctor is my father, right?

"Clara meet River, River is my wife" he said.

That answers my question. Of course he would be my dad! Their married! I nodded and smiled.

"Go back to sleep Clara" River said before leaving.

I looked at the Doctor as he came closer. I let my eyes close as sleep takes over me. But the last thing I heard and felt was the Doctor kissing my forehead and saying something I didn't hear.

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