Trying Not to Cry (Part 1)

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Clara's P.O.V.

        I woke up this morning, crying. I had a dream about Danny. Well it was more like a nightmare, i guess you can say. Gosh: I miss him so much. Today, I'm staying home because i don't felt like traveling. I know the Doctor won't like that but I need time to myself. I sigh as I sit on my couch with my tea. Everything is so different lately, and now I'm confused. I wish sometimes things were normal again. 

           I push those thoughts away and start thinking about what I want to watch on TV. I flipped through all of the channels and found really nothing good; so I just put on something random. It was a movie, I don't know what movie though. It reminded me of Danny. I shut off my TV and just stared at it, trying not to cry. I know that I have to, but I don't want too. 

        I got off my couch and grabbed my phone, and dialed a number. "Hello?" the voice said. "Do you mind coming over?" I mumbled into the phone. "No, I'll be over in a few" "Okay, see you then" I said before I hanging up my phone. 

*Ten Seconds Later*

I was startled by a noise and turned around. 

Hey! I'm back and on summer break! I will be updating this story every Saturday, maybe even Sunday. C: I'm sorry for not updating during the school year, but school was hard this year, a lot went on. But now I'm back, and I hope you like this chapter! 

By the way... Who do you think Clara called? 

I'm gonna put a poll in the comments so you can vote and whoever gets the highest vote wins! I hope you vote! (Remember voting ends next Saturday!) 

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