Two Years Later

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Clara's P.O.V. 

     The Doctor and I have been through a lot.. He never talks about mom anymore. I think about her from time to time.The Doctor looks so different now, because he regenerated of course. He loves to complain about everything.  I love him just the same. He was also hated my dead boyfriend, Danny Pink.

 "Dad!" I shouted walking into the Tardis. "Clara" his Scottish accent spoke. I walked over to him with a smile on my face. "Where are we going today?" I asked. "No where" "No where?" "Yes no where Clara, I thought we could check up on Donna though." He said. I nodded happily. 

I love Donna. She is like my crazy best friend. After everything that happened to us with the Daleks, we got close. Right.. I should tell you what happened shouldn't I? Well - 

*Two Years Ago*

Nothing but fire was surrounding me. The Dalek's teamed up with all of the people that hate the Doctor. I was trapped watching Donna and River fighting. The Doctor was on top of the top of the clock tower yelling things. He was older then the last time I saw him. I knew what it meant. His time is over. I was screaming at a crack earlier when Donna dragged me outside. The Doctor started to die right before my eyes, and I was helpless. I then saw the crack in the sky and the Doctor looked at me and I cracked a smiled. He laughed out loud and became young again. We won this war. Donna and River left and me and the Doctor went back to the Tardis. That is when he told me that he was going to regenerated, of course after a tearful speech. I was so scared looking at him and I cried wanting the old him back, but I knew then I might not.

*Present Day*

We land at Donna's mother's home and knocked on the door. Donna opened the door and smiled at us. "Hello" I said smiling at her. She smiled back and let us in. We said hello to her mother and  and sat down in her living room. We just talked about everything. We have dinner with her and her mother before the Doctor said we had to leave. So we left and the Doctor dropped me off at my apartment and we said our goodbyes. 

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