Nightmare of the Past and Future

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*After Disney World, back home*

Clara's P.O.V.

Today was amazing but I'm very tired out. The Doctor dropped me off about ten minutes ago. I put Artie to bad and then changed. I sat on my bed and read a book. You know finding out that the Doctor is my dad, is really cool, heartbreaking and coufusion all put together at the same time. I soon fell asleep to the sound of the rain.


I was staring at my parents as they talked in hushed whispers.

"She's four now sweetie, I think we should tell her part of it" mum said.

"Fine" daddy huffed.

"Clara, we have something to tell you" dad started.

"Ah, ugh. I can't do it" mummy shouted.

I looked at them confused but left the room, to go up stairs to drawed. I drawed a man in a tweeted jacket and a bowtie. I called him the Doctor. Mum came in and saw it. She rippped it up and than hit me. I cried after she left and read a book.

*End of Dream*

I woke up crying. What a nightmare. I looked at the clock and saw it was two in the morning. I fell back to sleep and this dream was different.


River and the Doctor and I were talking. Well more like the Doctor and River were fighting and I did nothing.

"Doctor she's our daugther. Our Clara!" River yelled.

"No, she's not. Clara Song is dead. She's Clara Oswald! Our daugther is dead River!" the Doctor yelled.

River started cruign, so did I. The Doctor looked guilty but didn't act on it.

"Doctor I am Clara Song. You gave me up. I'm not dead, I remember!" I said.

"No, Clara you are not ny little girl. Now both of you out an dnever come back!" He yelled.

*End of Dream*

I woke up to that dream crying too. Would that really happen? I would hope not. I got out of bed because it's six o'clock. I got washed and dressed. Then, I woke up the kids and made them breakfast. I then sent them to school. I ate and then watched some TV. I hopesooner or later, I can tell the Doctor that I'm his daughter.

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