Oswald or Song?

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Clara's P.O.V
I'm sitting in my bed when The Doctor walks in. He says "Oh my god, Clara! What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?"
I say.  "I have something to tell you Doctor." I pause to see if he'll listen.
"Go on, what is it?"
"I've been having dreams, as you know. Of my past. And I just had another one.... I remember I was I was sitting in front of the couch, on the floor, playing with some doll." His eyes widen. I think he knows, but I continue anyways. "And you and River were fighting about me. And she was saying... I am your daughter. I am a Song. And you kept disagreeing. Because, Clara Song died. This isn't all I'm saying though Doctor. Doctor. What I'm about to say is. And its hard for me because I don't know how you will react or even believe me. As I'm sure your imagination is going crazy. And your making assumptions to prepare your body to the news. I'm sure you will make the right assumption but still wont take the news nicely to, you don't know the whole story." I can see he has mixed emotions. Anger, sadness, scared. Not very good emotions. Also a little bit of confusion. "I'm just gonna say it. River told you I was dead. Doctor I am your daughter. I am Clara Song. I didn't die. She talked to me. She said she needed to protect me. That this life wasn't for me yet. But she knew I'd come back some day. And she was right. She said I died to make it easier for you to let go of me. So you wouldn't come back for me. And she couldn't take care of me. She couldn't live a normal life. I'm not Oswald, Doctor." He was in tears. And all he said was. "Why?" Even though I already explained why. Then he said after what felt like 5 mins was only one minute as he stared at me in disbelief.  "You are my daughter. My Clara. I believe you. I don't want to, but I do." Then he hugged me. Then River walks in and looks confused. "I told him. Sorry." She said. "I'm glad he finally believes. Its okay." The Doctor looks back and forth at us, and says. "Its time for an adventure!"
I'm sorry for the short chapter. I am writing this before bed. I promised an update so here it is. This is me Forevver by the way. Thank you for being so patient. Now I need to chose another story to update. I'll have all stories updated by tomorrow night. :) I've been very busy sorry.
Follow me on instagram. Its ForevverAndAlwaysMe

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