Chapter 1

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Why must my hair decide to be a mess today? It's the first day of school, for God's sake.

I sighed as I started to pile my hair into a knot on top of my head. It actually looked decent, so decided to keep it. I've never seen anyone wear something like it before.

I like it that way. I've never been the type to set trends, but I've also never been the type to follow them either.

It's the first day of the school year. I'm so ready to start tenth grade! But, that's a thought for later. I've got to get to school soon!

I decided on a simple pastel-pink cardigan and high-waisted jeans. I put on a white sleeveless top under my cardigan and added white sandals to finish my ensemble. I hope I look presentable enough.

I started out the door, walking by my neighbor's house. I saw one of the boys peek from the window. He soon scrambled around inside, as if he was looking for something. I simply shrugged it off and continued my walking.

"Hey, Soraya!"

I quickly turned around to find Jermaine Jackson smiling at me.

"Hey Jermaine!"

"Do you want to walk with me and my brothers to school? You look kind of alone there.", he said with a smile.

I smiled back. "Sure."

The Jacksons have been my next-door neighbors ever since I moved to Gary four months ago. Their mother was a sweet woman, she would not hesitate to bring you into a sweet hug and kiss your face. All of the brothers, and sisters, welcomed me.

I slowed down so the brothers could catch up with me. All of them told me good morning, except for one. He kept his head buried in a journal as we walked.

I soon realized that he was the boy from the window. I never really see him around, he must be the introverted type.

"Michael, don't be rude! Tell Soraya good morning!", Jackie prodded.

"What? Oh, sorry. Good morning Soraya.", he said with a shy smile. He soon went back to writing in his journal.

We walked the rest of the way laughing and talking. Michael kept his face in the journal and never made a sound the entire walk.

We soon made it to the school and disbanded into our classes. I made my way to a desk towards the front of the class.

As I was getting myself situated, a person came by and bumped into my books, knocking them down.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!", I heard them say.

We both went down on the floor, trying to get my books together. As I grabbed that last book, I looked up to find that shy smile I saw earlier that morning.


4 August 1974- The Day My Life Changed.

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