Chapter 13

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"Yes Soraya, it's me!"

I screamed with happiness, just from hearing Michael's voice.

"Oh my God Michael! I can't believe it's you. You have no idea how much I've been missing you and how much I love your notes and -"

"Shut up Soraya, and tell me you like me."

"I like you Michael, a lot. I realized that the day you caught me before I fell. I'm sorry that my stubbornness stood in the way."

"Soraya, nothing or no one could ever stand in the way of me liking you. Do you understand?"

I smiled at his honesty.

"Yes Michael, I understand."

He took a deep breath. "Now, I should be coming home at the beginning of June, right after you get out of school. I've been working so hard to get back to you that I've been writing and recording nonstop. I'm finished early, so I'll have time to come home. And when I come, I want you to leave with me."

I felt the tears coming. Not sad tears, but happy tears.

"Michael, I'm touched that you worked so hard for me, and yes, when you come, I will try my hardest to come with you."

I could hear his smile over the phone.

"Until then Soraya, keep reading, and keep my necklace. I'm nothing but a thought away. We'll be together soon."

"Yes Michael, we shall."

Breathe: A Michael Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now