Chapter 8

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The bell took so long to ring today! Michael gave me three notes folded into a rabbit, a lizard, and a bird as the day progressed. As I gathered my stuff, I caught a glimpse of Michael hurriedly pushing his way through the crowd of students at the door. I quickly stuck my books into my bag and followed him out.

"Michael!", I yelled to him.

He turned and saw it was me and made a face as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Michael, you know I'd never hurt you, right?", I said as I caught up to him. "You said that you'd catch me if I fall. Well Michael, you'll never fall as long as I'm around, because I'll always be there you keep you from falling. I'll be your rock. I just don't want you to shut me out or push me away."

As I spoke, I saw tears start to run down his face. I reached up to wipe them from his face, and I saw the shy smile again.

"Soraya, you're right. I've been avoiding you, and it's not fair to you. I've just been really stressed about what's going on at home. I'm so very sorry Soraya. Forgive me?"

"You were already forgiven."

We walked home together, and again I listened as Michael sang to me.

His journal fell out of his bag, and I saw it open to a sketch. But, before I could really get a good look at it, he quickly picked it up and put it back into his bag.

"Michael, what are you always writing in there? It seems pretty serious."

"Just thoughts, you know?"

I simply made an "Ummmmhm" noise and kept walking.


I looked ahead to see Joseph standing at his door, fuming.


I felt Michael start to shake as he ran to his house. As he walked in, I heard a loud SLAP and then the slam of the door.

Get ready for what?

I went into the house and put the notes into my "Keep Forever" box. My box is almost full of his notes. I never felt so comfortable around anyone like Michael before. He's like, a breath of fresh air after being held underwater. I can be drowning in my problems, and then he comes around and it's like I've submerged from all of my worries. I've got to face the facts:

I really do like Michael.

But how will I tell him? Do I just come out and tell him?
Or do I need to write a note?

I smiled as an idea quickly formed into my head.

I went outside and sat in my tree until I could no longer hear music and feet tapping on the Jackson's floor. It was about eight o'clock by the time they got finished practicing.

I quickly made the bird call and grabbed my can.

I saw Michael's giant afro as he opened the door.

"I just want to sit out and see the stars, mother.", I heard him say as he walked to his spot where his can was hidden.

"Yes?", he said through his end.

"Michael, I have something to tell you, and I'm asking that you would hear me out."

"Of course I will Soraya."

Okay, deep breaths.

"Michael, I really like you, okay? You make me feel a way I have never felt about anyone before. You make me happy, no matter what's going on with me. You give me butterflies inside. If I could, I would dance with you all night, right now, until the sunlight comes. And, I hope that you feel the same way."

I heard his heavy breathing on the other end. Then, sniffing.

And finally, I heard him crying.

"Michael? What's wrong?"
I saw him wiping his eyes.

"Did you really mean that Soraya?"

"Yes I did, Michael."

This is it...I think he really likes me back!

"Please tell me you were JOKING, Soraya. PLEASE."

I felt my heart start to shatter.

"No Michael, I was serious."

I saw him slowly drop his can and walk into his house, without a second glance at me.

And that's when, through my tears, I tried to climb out of the trees.

And I dropped, just like his can.

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