Chapter 2

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He started to speak in the softest voice I'd ever heard. It was deep and masculine, yet soft and fragile. I was mesmerized by the sound of it. I can listen to him speak all day.

"Hello? Soraya!"

Oh my, he was talking to me!

I quickly snapped out of my reverie. I'm pretty sure I was staring at his face just then.

"Oh! Um, what did you say?"

"I SAID, can I see your schedule? I'm wondering if we have the same classes."

I quickly pulled my schedule out and gave it to him. He compared ours side by side, and he slowly broke out into a big grin.

God, that grin. Those teeth. Im melting.

"We have the EXACT same schedule! Isn't this great?"

I started to smile myself.

"It's perfect."

He sat beside me and gave me the run-down on my teachers and classes.

"Creative writing and fine arts are the best classes to me. The teachers are nice, and they're the type of people that will go wherever the wind takes them. The carefree type.", he explained.

"Perfect. I love writing and I love art. I know I'll enjoy those classes. I know you do too..I always see you writing in your journal."

He blushed. "Yeah, it's like my escape place. I feel so at peace when I'm writing or sketching."

I was mesmerized, yet again.

Wait, I can't like him! I literally JUST met him. Can I? No..I can't be. He's just really sweet. He's a really good...friend.

I smiled again at Michael and turned to see our teacher enter the class and start to write on the blackboard.

"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Maynard."

I saw Michael roll his eyes and stifled a giggle. I then saw a note folded into a flower hit my desk.

How can she POSSIBLY be married?!?

I could only smile as I folded the note up. Today is going to be a good day.

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