Chapter 12

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It's been about six months since Michael's departure. I've been reading his notes and counting down until the last day of school ever since the day we found the basket.

I miss Michael more than ever now. I miss his laugh, his smile, his voice, his singing...everything about him. I've only made it through maybe a third of his notes, and I'm ready to hear him voice his feelings.

Mrs. Kaddy and I talk everyday now. We even get together on the weekends and take the time away from our schedules to have fun! She's really there for me..I have no idea what I'd do without her right now.

"Soraya! Come get the phone!"

"I'm coming mom!", I yelled while running down the stairs.

"Careful baby! We don't want ANOTHER broken leg!", she said with a laugh.

I laughed at her and grabbed the landline while taking it to the living room.




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