Shopping time!

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//I recommend checking out the video above bc it's super funny and adorable all at the same time I saw it on Tik Tok one day and saved it to my phone I could add the actual tik tok here but I found a YouTube video with it so I definitely recommend checking it out and the artist of the actual tik tok.//

Patton left the others to figure out who was gonna do what. Roman turned to the others "Okay I feel that we should split up but not by couples. So that mean that me and Remus would be together and then you two (He pointed to Janus and Virgil) will be together, also I feel me and Remus should do the shopping because if me and Remus try to distract Logan he's most likely gonna get pissed at us in the end. So that's why you two should be the ones to distract Logan. That sound good with y'all?" Remus stood next to his brother and nodded. Janus and Virgil looked at eachother and sighed and nodded. "Perfect so we should get started now." They all nodded. Virgil smirked and pulled Roman too him and kissed him. Roman was shocked at first but kissed back with a smile. After a bit they pulled away and hugged eachother. Remus and Janus did the same. They said love you to each other and went their separate ways.


Roman and Remus got in the car with Roman driving and went to the store. They got to the store parked and went inside and got a basket. "Alright ill get the decorations while you get the plates and cups. Sound good?" Remus nodded. Roman went to the isle where the decorations were. He got streamers and party hats and those little things that you blow into and they pop out. (I'll show what they look like at the end of this chapter) Remus went to the other isle that had the cups and plates and utensils. The met after they got everything and put it in the basket. They got in the line to pay for everything and put it in the vehicle. They went home after and gave the things to Patton. Patton smiled and told them where to set them.

Word Count: 430

Picture of the thing I was talking about earlier:

//Another Chapter done there might be 1 or 2 more parts to this but Idk at the moment

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//Another Chapter done there might be 1 or 2 more parts to this but Idk at the moment. Anwyas I will see yall in the next chapter and have a great rest of your day/night//

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