Distracting Logan

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After Remus and Roman had left Virgil and Janus started coming up with things to help distract Logan.

When they figured out things to help distract Logan, they set to go find him. They found him in his room reading a book.

"Ok so should we just leave him reading his book or actually go in there and distract him like we're supposed to do?" Virgil asked Janus. "I think we should just stick around here and let him read his book so that way whenever/if he ever puts down his book we can start distracting him." Virgil nodded in agreement.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An hour later ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Logan put his book down to go drink some coffee. Virgil and Janus were still outside his room. Logan got up and started walking to the kitchen which was being used by Patton because he was starting to make Logans cake. Virgil noticed Logan walk out of his room and so he quickly got to him before he reached the kitchen "Hey Logan, what'cha doin?" "I am proceeding to go to the kitchen to pour me a cup of coffee. Why do you ask?" "I was headed that way anyways so why don't I fix it for you?" Virgil asked nervously not wanting to sound suspicious. "You don't have to Virgil-" "No no! I insist besides it means you can continue doing what you were doing before." "Alright then if you insist." And with that Logan walked back into his room to go read his book. Virgil sighed when Logan left and proceeded to the kitchen.

Virgil finished making Logan's coffee and handed it to him and walked out of the room. Janus patted him on the back. "Very bad job Virgil." Virgil smiled a half to the side smile "Thanks Janus." "You're so not welcome." Virgil smiled a bit at that and hummed in content.

Word count: 412

//See I would make this longer but I wanted to get this out and done with and if it doesn't make that much sense it's bc its 11:06 p.m. right now and it's a school night, I should be going to bed now but my body just says no to that so yeah. Also if you see words Italicized that means their lying or just being sarcastic. Anyways if this is trashy you know why it's bc its late and I should go to bed but yeah. See ya in the next chapter you lovely human beings!//

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